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To use the Add function, complete the steps below:

  1. Select a record in the grid. Selected records will be highlighted in blue (see figure below).
  2. Locate the Add button Web_new above the selected record. As you can see below, several Add buttons may be available on the web form.
    • There may be one located in the line of toolbar buttons at the top of the page above the General Form.
    • Additional toolbar buttons may appear above any expanded Detail Forms within the Grid. These Add buttons will create a record and attach it to the parent record.

    add record_web

    Note: If an add button does not appear in the toolbar, it can mean one of two things: (1) There is no detail form defined for the corresponding record type, or (2) You may not have permissions to add records. Consult your system administrator for additional information.

  3. Click the appropriate Add button add. The Web will launch a new window with the the Detail Form corresponding to the highlighted record type.

    Detail Form

  4. You can now make modifications to new the record as needed.

See Also

Using the Toolbar Buttons

Column Filters




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