The Timesheet allows users to track the hours they work. This is done in the Timesheet Form. In addition, they can view hours entered in the Work Orders module. It also allows supervisors to edit hours for employees they supervise. This is done in the Timesheet Overview. A sample of the Timesheet appears below.
Launching a Timesheet
To launch a Timesheet Form click the Timesheet button on the Home Menu. If there is only one timesheet associated to the user, it will automatically be launched. If there is more than one, then a drop down list will allow them to select the desired timesheet.
To launch the Timesheet Overview click the Timesheet button on the Home Menu. A drop down list will provide an link to select the overview.
Types of Timesheets
There are several types of timesheets available in Lucity Web, however it is up to the system administrator which ones appear. Other sections of this guide go over exactly what the purpose of each field is.
To use the timesheet employees must have it setup for them in the Dashboard. They also must have a record in the Work > Work Flow Setup > Employee module. If a user is not a work employee but attempts to use the Timesheet, they will be able to access the screen, but any Timesheet records saved will not be accessible.