Dashboard Setup

The Dashboard is the Home tab of the Lucity Web product and the first thing a user sees when logging into the system. It provides a brief overview of module data and serves as a portal to more detailed information. Through the Dashboard, users have immediate access to the modules that they use frequently.

Controls for configuring the Dashboard are integrated within its interface.

Dashboard Components


The primary Lucity Web user interface.

Dashboard Tabs

Links to sets of related data elements. One user's Dashboard can have an unlimited number of Dashboard Tabs, which are listed down the left-hand side of the screen.
Click on a tab to view to the Frames and Plug-ins that the tab employs.


A rectangular space on a Dashboard Tab that contains Plug-ins.


The software components that actually display data within Frames. Lucity employs several types of plug-ins: Asset Hierarchy Trees, Crystal Reports, Data Drills, Quick Lookups, RSS Feeds, and URLs.

Shared Tabs

A group of Dashboard Tabs that are shared among multiple users. Shared Tabs enable administrators to make changes to a tab and apply those changes to all users who have that tab included on their dashboard.

Shared Tab Groups

A set of Shared Tabs that have been grouped together. Shared Tab Groups enable administrators to quickly assign a set of common tabs to a user.

Each user can have one Shared Tab Group. This shared group will always appear first in the user's list of Dashboard Tabs.


Dashboard Editing Tools

Enter Design Mode

Exit Design Mode

Switches the Lucity Dashboard into or out of Design Mode, the state that enables administrators to edit the Dashboard currently in view.

Note: The following tools appear when in Design Mode:

Add buttons

Allow administrators to add new Tabs, Frames, and Plug-ins to the Dashboard. Add buttons appear in multiple places within Design Mode.

Edit Properties


Enables an administrator to modify the related Dashboard component.



Enables an administrator to move the related Dashboard component.

Manage Tab Group

Lets an administrator assign a Shared Tab Group to the Dashboard.

Manage Users

Lets an administrator control which users the Shared Tab is assigned to. Appears only when a Shared Tab is selected.

Editing Pane

Provides a means for modifying the properties of a Dashboard component.


Editing Pane

When users select a Dashboard component for editing, the Edit Pane appears, providing a means to modify the component's properties.

Editing Menu

switch side

Move Pane

Switches the side of the screen to which the Edit Pane is attached.


Deletes the selected Dashboard component. If the component is a Shared Tab, the system removes Shared Tab from the user's Dashboard.


Saves all changes made to the Dashboard component's settings.


Cancels any edits and closes the menu.


In This Section

Designing Dashboards

Shared Tabs

Tab Groups

Manage Shared Tabs