Shared Tabs are Dashboard Tabs that are shared among multiple users. These tabs are designed to enable administrators to make changes to a tab and have those changes automatically applied to all Dashboards that use that tab.
Shared Tabs are highlighted in Orange while in Design Mode.
Changes made to one of these tabs will affect all Dashboards that include the tab.
Shared tabs are updated just like individual Dashboard tabs; however, they feature two unique tools (described below).
Shared Tab Related Tools
Manage Users
Enables an administrator to manage which users the shared tab is assigned to.
Manage Shared Tabs
This is a power tool that allows administrators to manage which shared tabs are linked to which users.
Click the username in the top-right corner of Lucity Web.
On the side menu, select Create New.
This tool requires the Admin > Lucity App Admin > Run permission.
The following pop-up appears:
Select Shared Tab.
Click OK. A new Application Tab opens at the top of the screen to allow the user to edit the new Shared Tab.
An Add Tab dialog opens on the right side of the screen to allow you to enter the tabs attributes. Note that the Is Shared box is automatically checked.