Assets Tab

The Asset tab contains two grids designed to link Inventory items to the Work Order, and then link those items to Work Tasks.

Asset Grid

The Assets grid lists the Inventory assets associated with the work order. The grid gives users easy access to these records and makes it easy to create new work orders involving the selected assets. Other special functions in this grid vary, depending on the type of assets listed.

A sample of the Assets grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

Assets Tab WO

Associated Tasks Grid

The Associated Tasks grid shows the Work Order Tasks (found on the Tasks/Res tab) that are associated with the Asset selected in the Asset grid above it. Associating Assets with Tasks can be helpful in determining the work costs related to an asset.

A sample of the Associated Tasks grid appears below.


How to link a Task to an Asset

In This Section

Asset Record

How To Add an Asset

How To Create a Subset

How To Load a Subset

How to Load a Subset for (Asset Type)

How To Add Assets from Map

How To Create a New Work Order

How To Add Multiple Assets to a Work Order

How To Add Multiple (Asset) to a Work Order

How To Add Multiple Default (Assets)

How To View an Asset Inventory Record

How To View an Asset Inspection Record

How To Create an Asset Inspection Record

How To View an Asset in the Map

Asset WO Cost and Unit Task Cost

How To Populate the Complete Date

How To Change an Asset's Status

How To Change a Valve's Status

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