

user radio

Selecting Users at the top of the Dashboard/Preferences dialog shifts its functionality to focus on setting up a Dashboard for an individual user. Users can Add, Edit, Delete, or Preview Dashboards. They can also Apply Batch Template to multiple users. (Applying a template to an individual user is done when editing that user's dashboard.)

Note: Deleting a dashboard removes that dashboard for that user; it does not remove the user from the Security program.

How to look up a User

How to add a User Dashboard

How to edit a User Dashboard


Template radio

Selecting Templates at the top of the Dashboard/Preferences dialog shifts its functionality to focus on setting up a Template to apply to multiple users. Users can Add, Edit, Delete, or Preview Dashboard Views. They can also Apply (a) Batch Template to multiple other templates. Applying a batch template enables a user to create a base template and then apply it to several other templates. Those templates, then, can be modified to meet other needs. (Applying a template to an individual template is done when editing the template.)

Templates enable administrators to quickly apply predefined general settings to users' dashboards. When a template is applied, it overwrites the dashboard's current configuration. However, because the template isn't tied to the dashboard, any changes made to the template aren't applied to users' dashboards until the template is reapplied. Therefore, administrators can define a template for a group of users with similar needs, apply that template to those users, and still allow for individual customization later.  

How to look up a Template

How to add a Template

How to edit a Template

How to rename a Template

In This Section


Dashboard Tabs



See Also


Apply Batch Template

Manage Shared Tabs