The Project Management system includes modules to track Master Projects, Projects, and Tasks, Contracts, Purchase Orders, Invoices and Payments. This module suite is then integrated with Work Orders to track actual work order costs associated with each project.
This is an example that runs though setting up the Project Management suite. It isn't necessary to use all modules. For detailed information, follow the links below:
Alternatively, add a Project from the main menu and then link the Project to a previously defined Master Project using the Master Project Rec # button in the Project moduleheader.
In the General tab, enter the account number, contractor, internal and external project manager, status, status date, and other pertinent dates.
Use the Revenue/Expenditure tab to track internal revenue sources, identify external grant sources, and identify any project expenditures.
Use the Contracts/Purchase Orders tab to track the date, amount, and type of all funds encumbered for the project.
Use the Invoices tab to track all invoices submitted by the Contractor as well as the dates and amounts of payments received.
Use the Subcontractors tab to add any subcontractors associated with the project.
Note: After Purchase Order and Invoice records have been created and linked to the project, the system will calculate the Encumbered Amount, Invoiced Amount, Paid Amount, Remaining Amount, and Completed Percent on the General tab.
Note: After saving the Project record, the Projects tab and General tab of the related Master Project will be updated. The system will track the amounts funded, unfunded, encumbered, paid, remaining, and percent completed.
Continue adding Projects to the Master Project record.
From the Project record go to the Tasks tab and create a Tasks record.
Alternatively, go to the Task module and link the Task to the desired Project by selecting from the Project Record # pick list on the General tab.
Note: The Problem, Cause, Supervisor, and Lead Worker pick lists all come from the Work Flow Setup modules.
Use the Sub-Tasks tab to associate additional work tasks with the project task.
Click the button at the top of the Task module toolbar to create a Work Order directly from the Project Task.
The new Work Order will contain the Category, Problem, Main Task, Cause, Supervisor, Lead Worker, and Account Number specified in the Task. Additionally, the Master Project's ID and Name will be displayed.
On the Work Order's Tasks/Resources tab are the task and sub-tasks.
To allow the Project Management modules to track actual costs, add resources, units, and unit costs in the Tasks/Resources tab.
After adding Work Orders and including task and resource costs, run cost updates in the Task, Project, and Master Project modules.
In the Task module click on the Toolkit icon. Execute the Perform Cost Update function. The Actual Cost to Date field on the General tab of the Task will be calculated.
Next, run the Toolkit function in the Project module. The Actual Work Order Costs to Date will be updated on the General tab of the Project..
Finally, run the Toolkit function in the Master-Project module. The Actual Work Order Costs to Date will be updated on the Projects tab of the Master-Project.
Note: These Toolkit functions allow users to update Project calculations on-demand; however, these calculations are also run each night by the Lucity PM Service.
Or go to the Project Purchase Orders module and create a purchase order. Select the correct contract ID to link the purchase order to the desired contract.
Fill out the PO Number, select a Vendor, and enter the overall Amount for the PO.
On the Line Items tab enter a record in the Line Items grid for each PO line item.
Fill out the PO Item Number, Quantity, Unit of Measurement and Unit Price fields.
Select a record from the Line Item grid and add a record to the Line Item Details grid.
Enter the Line Number, Project ID, and percentage of this line item that project will pay for.