PM Scheduling

PM/Work Templates can be set up on various schedules.

PM Schedule Types

How to generate a Work Order from a PM Schedule

Fixed Scheduling

Floating Scheduling

Meter Based Scheduling

Mixed Scheduling (Floating and Meters)

Tightly Linked PM Schedules

Affected PM Schedules

Exclusion Days

Modifying/Deactivating PM Schedules

Fixed Scheduling

A Fixed Schedule generates a Work Order based on the Next Start Date. This type of PM will generate at a fixed interval regardless of when the last job was completed.

For example, you have a PM for a monthly inspection that must be completed on the first calendar day of each month, and the length of time to complete the previous inspection is not important to the start of the next PM. A Fixed Schedule generates a Work Order for the next PM on the first day of the month, as shown in the following diagram:

Fixed schedule


WO Start Date

WO End Date

Work Order 1



Work Order 2



Work Order 3



Work Order 4



Work Order 5



Fixed PM Related fields

Last Start Date

Stores the last Start Date for a Work Order generated by the PM.

Note: This will typically also be the last date the PM generated a Work Order unless:

  • The Days Ahead field is used,
  • Previous Work Orders for the PM were closed late.

Start Date Interval

Indicates the number of (date) units between Work Order start dates.

  • Used to calculate the Start Next Date.

Start Interval Code

Specifies the type of units between Work Orders that the Start Date Interval represents (e.g., days, weeks, months, years).

  • Used to calculate the Start Next Date.

Start Next Date

Marks the start date for the next Work Order generated by the PM.

Note: This will typically also be the next date that the PM generates a Work Order unless:

  • The Days Ahead field is used,
  • Previous Work Orders for the PM were closed late.


  • Calculated automatically when the Last Start Date and Start Date Interval and Start Interval Code are entered.
  • Example: A Work Order is generated on 8/15/2018 which is put in the Last Start Date field. The Start Date Interval is 1 and the Start Interval Code is Years. The system calculates the Start Next Date to be 8/15/2019.

How to set up a Fixed Schedule for a Standard PM

How to set up a Fixed Schedule for a Grouped/Grouped Asset PM


Schedule modification

Generating Work Orders ahead of schedule

Fixed Schedule PMs can be generated before their Start Next Date by populating the Days Ahead field. This helps employees prepare for upcoming work.

days ahead example

In this example the PM is set to generate 3 Days Ahead of schedule. The PM will generate the next Work Order on 12/18/2018. The Work Order's Start Date will be 12/21/2018.

Dealing with missed Work Orders

Since Fixed Schedule PMs are always generated on a fixed date, there is the danger that the previous Work Order might not be completed before the next date that a Work Order should generate. There are several options to tell the system how to manage this scenario.

More information about dealing with missed Work Orders on a Fixed Schedule PM

Exclusion Days

The Lucity system can be configured to skip generating a Work Order on a specific day of the week, date or range of dates.

Important: It is important to note that Exclusion Days are based on the Start Date of the next Work Order. Typically the schedule's Start Next Date is the date that the Work Order will generate. However, be aware that if the PM has missed work orders and is not resetting PM schedules or forcing PMs to generate on schedules, the Work Order's Start Date will be backdated. This means that a PM may generate backdated work for a day that wasn't an Exclusion Date.

More information about setting up exclusion days