PMs are scheduled maintenance records for an agency's assets. Lucity supports various types of PMs and types of schedules for PMs.

PM types

PM Type



Standard PM

Has one schedule that applies to all assets.

Generates one Work Order for all listed assets.

Grouped PM

Has individual schedules for each group and asset.

Generates a Work Order for each asset, based on that asset's individual schedule.

Grouped Asset PM

Has individual schedules that apply to each group of assets.

Generates a Work Order for each group of assets based on that asset group's individual schedule.

Tightly Linked PM

Links to a Standard PM or PM Group and replaces it at designated intervals.

Generates one Work Order for all listed assets.

Affected PM

Links to a Standard PM or PM Group and generates in addition to the linked PM at designated intervals.

Generates one Work Order for all listed assets.

Out of Service PM

Has a Floating Schedule that generates based on an asset's operational status.

Generates a Work Order for an asset that is Out of Service (Status > 950). This type of PM targets a part of the Plant/Process Equipment hierarchy.

PM schedules


PM processing

Lucity regularly checks PMs to see if they are due to generate a Work Order. The following are ways that the PMs are processed:

In This Section

Standard PM

Grouped PM

Grouped Asset PM

Tightly Linked PM

Affected PM

Out of Service PM