Employee Resource Record Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

Important: Employee resource that fall within a locked Timesheet Pay Period may become uneditable. More information about timesheet locking

ID Fields


Identifies the assigned employee by his or her agency-defined, unique ID.

  • The list of Employees comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module.
  • By default, this picklist displays Employees associated with the Work Order's Category. You may, however, opt to Show All records.
    • If you have the Ability to Associate permission, a prompt appears when you close the record asking if you would like to associate the selected Employee with the Work Order Category.

Alt Description

Provides a secondary description of the person.


Identifies the section of the organization to which the person belongs.


Identifies a subsection of the organization to which the person belongs.


Distinguishes the employee using agency-defined criteria.

Group Number

Assigns the employee to a particular group of selected Task Resource records.

For example, the Group Number field can be used to group an Employee with a specific piece of Equipment or with Materials that they are authorized to use.

Account #

Indicates the reference number for the general account billed for the employee's work on the Task.

The system can be configured to handle account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field.

More information about Account Number formats

Proj No - Acct

Indicates the reference number for a specific project account that should be billed for the employee's work on a task.

An agency can configure Lucity to handle project numbers in various formats. The configuration determines how users complete this field.

More information about Project Account Number formats

  • The system automatically applies the Task's Proj No - Acct value to related Resource records if the Resource's Project Number Account # field is left empty and the "Populate empty WO Resource Acct# w/Task" Work Option is enabled.

* Required.

Scheduling/Tracking Fields

The following fields on a Work Order > Task > Employee Resource record are used to track or classify the time the employee spends/spent working on the Task.

Res Start Date **

Res Start Time

Identifies the date and time the employee began working on this task.

  • The Res Start Time field stores time down to the second for employees.
  • If the "Populate Resource Dates from Task Dates" Work Option is enabled, the system automatically applies the Start Date value from the Task record here.
  • The system automatically populates these fields when a user starts the Work Clock for the resource.
  • When populated from the Work Clock, these fields are read-only. A user must have the security Work Order > Override Work Clock permission to change the Start Date/Time values manually.

    More information about the Work Clock

Res End Date **

Res End Time

Identifies the date and time the employee concluded working on this task.

  • The Res End Time stores time down to the second for employees.
  • If the "Populate Resource Dates from Task Dates" Work Option is enabled, the system automatically applies the End Date value from the Task record here.
  • If a user enters the current date or a future date in the Res End Date field, and the employee is already scheduled on another Work Order for the same period of time, the system may warn the user that the employee is unavailable.

    More Information about Resource availability checking

  • The system automatically populates these fields when a user stops the Work Clock for the resource.
  • When populated from the Work Clock, these fields are read-only. A user must have the security Work Order > Override Work Clock permission to change the End Date/Time values manually.

    More information about the Work Clock

Work Clock Status

Identifies the employee's current time-tracking status in the Work Clock. This is automatically populated when users start or stop tracking time using the Work Clock.

Auto Calc Units

Directs the system to automatically calculate the Units field (normal Time/Cost fields) as the difference between the Res Start Date/Time and Res End Date/Time.

  • When this feature is enabled, the Units field is read-only.
  • This feature is automatically enabled when a user starts the Work Clock for the resource; it cannot be disabled.

Cost Fields

Evaluating employee cost data is a critical element of work and resource management. The Employee Resource record includes several types of cost fields to accommodate financial reporting and analysis. Employee cost data also can be rolled up to Task and Work Order records. More information about Work Order Cost relationships

Employee Resource records can calculate costs using Normal Time, Regular Time, and Overtime. The costs and unit costs for each of these time-tracking methods are calculated separately. In most cases, only one of the unit/cost strategies is applied for a single resource; however, it's possible to use all three.

Unit of Measure

Identifies how the employee's work is measured for this Task. In most cases, the Unit of Measure for an employee is Hours.

Default Unit Cost

Indicates how much it costs to use this employee per unit of work.

  • This value is carried over from the employee's Employee Setup record; therefore, the field is read-only.

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Override Unit Cost

Enables users to enter a cost that differs from the Employee's Default Unit Cost.

Note: This field only overrides the values in the Unit Cost and Reg Unit Cost fields if the Time Cost = 1 .

Cost Markup

Displays the amount by which the records in the Cost Markup grid will increase the Grand Total Cost value.

  • Automatically calculated as the sum of the Total Cost Markup values on all records in the Employee Resource's Cost Markup grid.

Note: Cost Markup records based on Units only apply to the Normal Time/Cost fields.

Estimated Cost Fields

The following fields enable an agency to estimate the amount of time it will take the employee to accomplish the task and the cost of his or her work. Default values for the estimated fields may be carried over from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Task Setup > Employee record.

Est Units

Indicates the approximate number of work units (typically hours) it will take the employee to accomplish the task.

Est Total Cost

Estimates the cost of using this employee on this work task.

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Normal Time Unit Cost Fields

The 'Normal' Time/Cost fields (identified below) give users a greater degree of control over which Time Cost value is used to calculate the employee's cost. They allow the user to enter the time worked, and then control directly in the form whether the cost for the employee should be calculated as regular time, overtime, or another custom Time Cost.

Note: Special tools (like the Work Clock) and functions (like Cost Markups) only work with the Normal Time/Cost fields.


Indicates the number of units of work the employee completed. (This value is typically measured in hours.)

  • If the Auto Calc Units option is enabled on the Employee Resource form:
    • The system automatically calculates the Units value as the difference between the Res Start Date/Time and the Res End Date/Time.
    • This field is read-only.
  • If the Requires Employee Time to Close WO option is enabled on the Category Setup record for the Work Order's Category, each Employee Resource record on the Work Order must have a value in the Units field before the Work Order's Status can be set to > 950.

Time Cost

Indicates the type of time recorded in the Units field.

Time Cost options represent different factors for multiplying an employee's pay rate for an hour of work.  (For example, overtime is typically paid at 1.5 times an employee's hourly pay rate.)

  • Time Cost options are configured in the Work > Administration > Timecost Setup module.

    More information about Time Costs

Unit Cost

Specifies the cost of using the employee per unit of his or her time.

The system automatically calculates this value based on the selected Time Cost, using the following logic:

  • Time Cost Code = 1 (regardless of the Time Cost Text) - Regular time. The system:
    • Collects the Default Unit Cost or the Override Unit Cost value (if populated) from the Employee Resource record.
    • Collects the Multiplier Units value for Time Code = 1 from the Timecost Setup module.
    • Unit Cost = Default Unit Cost x Multiplier Units or
    • Unit Cost = Override Unit Cost x Multiplier Units
  • Time Cost Code = 2 (regardless of the Time Cost Text) - Overtime. The system:
    • Collects the Overtime Rate (if greater than 0) from the Employee Setup record.
    • Unit Cost = Overtime Rate
    • If the Overtime Rate is 0, the system:
    • Collects the default Unit Cost or the Override Unit Cost value (if populated) from the Employee Resource record.
    • Collects the Multiplier Units value for Time Code = 2 from the Timecost Setup module.
    • Unit Cost = Default Unit Cost x Multiplier Units
  • Time Cost Text = 'External Overtime' (regardless of the Time Cost Code) - External rate for overtime. The system:
    • Collects the OT External Rate (if greater than 0) from the Employee Setup record.
    • Unit Cost = OT External Rate
    • If the OT External Rate is 0, the system:
    • Collects the default Unit Cost or the Override Unit Cost value (if populated) from the Employee Resource record.
    • Collects the Multiplier Units value for Time Code Text = 'External Overtime' from the Timecost Setup module.
    • Unit Cost = Default Unit Cost x Multiplier Units
  • Time Cost Text = 'External Regular Time' (regardless of the Time Cost Code) - External rate for regular time. The system:
    • Collects the Reg External Rate (if greater than 0) from the Employee Setup record.
    • Unit Cost = Reg External Rate
    • If the Reg External Rate is 0, the system:
    • Collects the default Unit Cost or the Override Unit Cost value (if populated) from the Employee Resource record.
    • Collects the Multiplier Units value for Time Code Text = 'External Regular Time' from the Timecost Setup module.
    • Unit Cost = Default Unit Cost x Multiplier Units
  • Time Cost = anything not listed above - Calculated solely based on:
    • Collects the default Unit Cost or the Override Unit Cost value (if populated) from the Employee Resource record.
    • Collects the Multiplier Units value for the Time Code from the Timecost Setup module.
    • Unit Cost = Default Unit Cost x Multiplier Units

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Total Cost

States the comprehensive cost of using the employee for the designated number of Units at the designated Time Cost.

  • Automatically calculated as: Total Cost = Units x Unit Cost


security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Regular Time Unit Cost Fields

The Regular Time/Cost fields (identified below) track time that the system automatically calculates using the "Regular Time" Time Cost.

Note: Cost Markups and the Work Clock do not work with the Regular Time/Cost fields.


Regular Hrs

Indicates the number of regular work hours that the employee spent on a Task.

Regular Unit Cost

Specifies the cost of using the employee during regular hours. The system:

  • Collects default Unit Cost or the Override Unit Costs field (if populated) from the Employee Resource record.
  • Collects the Multiplier Units value for Time Code = 1 from the Timecost Setup module.
  • Regular Unit Cost = Default Unit Cost x Multiplier Units or
  • Regular Unit Cost = Override Unit Costs x Multiplier Units

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Reg Total Cost

States the comprehensive cost of using the employee for the designated number of Units at the Regular Time Cost.

  • Automatically calculated as: Reg Total Cost = Regular Hrs x Regular Unit Cost

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Overtime Unit Cost Fields

The Overtime Time/Cost fields track time against the established "Overtime" Time Cost.

Note: Cost Markups and the Work Clock do not work with the Overtime Time/Cost fields.


Overtime Hrs

Indicates the number of overtime hours that the employee worked on a Task.

Overtime Unit Cost

Specifies the cost of using the employee during overtime hours. The system:

  • Collects the Overtime Rate value (if greater than 0) from the Employee Setup record.

    Overtime Unit Cost = Overtime Rate

  • If the Employee Setup record's Overtime Rate is 0, the system:
    • Collects the default Unit Cost from the Employee Resource record.
    • Collects the Multiplier Units value for Time Code = 2 from the Timecost Setup module.
    • Overtime Unit Cost = Default Unit Cost x Multiplier Units

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

OT Total Cost

States the comprehensive cost of using the employee for the designated number of units at an Overtime time cost.

  • Automatically calculated as:

    OT Total Cost = Overtime Hrs * Overtime Unit Cost

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Summary Cost Fields

G(rand) Total Units

States overall number of Units of work (typically hours) that are recorded on this Employee Resource record.

  • Automatically calculated as: G Total Units = Units + Regular Hrs + Overtime Hrs

G(rand) Total Cost

States the overall cost for this Employee.

  • Automatically calculated as:

    G Total Cost = Total Cost + Reg Total Cost + OT Total Cost + Cost Markup

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Financial Fields

Processed by Financials

Indicates that this record was exported from Lucity to an integrated financial system.

When the Finance Enterprise (FE) Work Order Transaction integration is enabled, this field Indicates that a Work Order Transaction containing this resource has been posted to the ledger in FE. This integration applies only to Employees not integrated with FE Payroll. More information about the FE Work Order Transaction integration.

When the FE Payroll integration is enabled, this field Indicates that an Employee Hours have been sent to FE during the FE Payroll integration process. More information about the FE Payroll integration.

Journal Entry

Indicates the system will import a journal entry for this work resource from Lucity into the Ledger of an integrated financial system such as Finance Enterprise (FE).

  • This field is read-only and comes from the Journal Entry Import field on the Work > Employee Setup record from which this resource originates.

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.