Employee Setup Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Employee Rec #

Indicates the unique, system-generated ID for the Employee Setup record.


Serves as the user-defined, unique ID for the employee.

Warning: Changes made to existing Employee Codes or Name descriptions will only affect future Work Order records; the system will not update historical records.

Employee Name*

Identifies the employee by his or her full name.

Employee Status

Describes the person's employment status (e.g., current employee, retiree, contractor, temp) using a user-defined code-description field.

  • This field has no special functionality, but an agency can search on it.

Login ID

Records the Lucity ID the employee uses to login to the system.

  • Lucity recommends that agencies complete this field if the employee can log into a Lucity platform.
  • An person's Login ID should be the same as the employee's user ID in the Lucity suite.
    • Only when these IDs match can the "User Category Special Permission" option be applied from the Work Options module. This option enables administrators to define user rights based on the Work Order Category.
  • The Login ID must be populated for the employee to have permission to edit and close the Routing Tasks in a Work Order.
  • The Login ID is also required for Lucity's Timesheet and for filtering reserved words.

* Required.
* Must be unique.

Job Classification Fields

Job Title

Describes the work the employee performs for the organization.


Describes the professional role that the employee plays in the organization.


Describes the period of the day during which an employee performs his or her duties.

Shift Start Time

Identifies the time at which an employee begins to work as part of a specific shift pattern.

Shift End Time

Identifies the time at which an employee finishes work as part of a specific shift pattern.

Start Date

Indicates when an employee started his/her job. By entering the date, users allow the Seniority field to be calculated. The Seniority field can then calculate the amount of time worked by that employee, thereby allowing users to see which employees have seniority.

End Date

Allows users to enter the date the employee stopped working for the agency. This is taken into account when calculating the Seniority.






Indicates the length of time that an employee has served in a job or worked for an organization.

  • The system calculates this field as the difference between the Start Date and the End Date. However, if the End Date field is blank, the current date is used to calculate Seniority.
  • The system only calculates Seniority when the Active field is checked on the Employee record.
  • The Seniority value indicates full years in service. The Days, Months and Years fields provide a more detailed view of the employee's service.
  • The system automatically recalculates this as part of the nightly tasks.

Assigned Work

Calculates the total number of work hours currently assigned to an employee through Lucity's Work Order system for the next seven days. Once a Work Order is marked Complete, the Assigned Work value is removed.

Note: For this field to function:

  • the Employee must be assigned as the Lead Worker on a Work Order(s);
  • the Work Order(s) must have a Status < 950.
  • the Work Order(s) must have a Start Date; and
  • the Estimated Labor Hours field (found in the Work Order's Cost grid) must be populated.

Hours per Day

Establishes how many hours per day this person works when assigned as a Lead Worker or Supervisor on a Work Order. This is used by the system for Work Order Scheduling calculations

More information about Work Order Scheduling.

Employee Classification Boxes

The following check boxes control how this Employee Setup record is used throughout Lucity's Work program.


Signifies whether the employee oversees the work of others.

When enabled, the employee appears in the Supervisor pick-list on Work Orders and PM/Templates. He or she also receives any related Supervisor Notifications.


Indicates whether the employee takes a leadership position on work assignments, providing guidance and instruction to others.

When enabled, the employee appears in the Leadworker pick-list on Work Orders and PM/Templates. He or she also receives any related Leadworker Notifications.


Signifies whether the employee is responsible for allocating work to others.

When enabled, the employee appears in the Assigned by pick-list on Work Orders and PM/Templates.

Work Resource

Indicates whether the employee can be attached to a Work Order or PM/Template as a Resource.


Signifies whether the employee is responsible for conducting inspections on behalf of the agency.

When enabled, the employee appears in the Inspector pick-list in Lucity's Work and Inspection modules.

Project PM

Signifies whether the employee is responsible for managing projects within the agency.

When enabled, the employee appears in the project manager pick-lists in Lucity's Project Management modules.


Indicates whether the employee is authorized to perform environmental surveys on behalf of the agency.

When enabled, the employee appears in the WO Employee 1 and WO Employee 2 pick-lists in Lucity's Environmental Survey Site Inspections module.

Contract Inspector

Indicates whether the employee is authorized to be used as a contract approver in the Project Management > Contract Estimates module.

Permit Inspector

Signifies whether the employee is responsible for performing permit inspections on behalf of the agency.

When enabled, the employee appears in the Permit Inspector pick-list in Lucity's Permit Inspections module.

* An employee can be a lead worker, an assigner, and a supervisor, or any combination of these roles.

Account Fields

Journal Entry Import

Directs the system to export a journal entry for this employee resource from Lucity into the Ledger of an integrated financial system.

  • This field only applies to agencies that integrate Lucity with an outside financial software such as Finance Enterprise. More information about the FE Employee integration.
  • For clients integrated with the Eden payroll system, Lucity does not recommend including the employee in a general ledger import if the employee will be imported into the general ledger via Eden's payroll system.

Departmental Fields


Identifies the organizational unit, if any, that is associated with this Equipment by default.

For example, a seed or fertilizer spreader might be associated with the Park Department's Maintenance Division.





Cost Fields

Unit Cost

Indicates the default amount charged, per unit, for this employee's work.

When a user adds this Employee as a Resource on a Work Order or PM, this value is carried over to the Default Unit Cost field on the Resource record.

  • This field also corresponds to the Time Cost code of "1 - Regular Time" (Work Time Cost).

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Regular External Rate

Indicates the amount charged for the employee's time when working regular hours at an external rate.

  • When you add an Employee record to a Work Order, and the employee's Time Cost is set to External Regular Time the system will check this field on the Employee Setup record.
    • If this field is populated then the value will be carred over the the Employee record's Default Unit Cost field.
    • If this field is not populated the system will calculate the Default Unit Cost.

Note: The value in this rate field is not a multiplier.

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Overtime Rate

Indicates the amount charged for the employee's time when working overtime.

  • When you add an Employee record to a Work Order, and the employee's Time Cost is set to 2 the system will check this field on the Employee Setup record.
    • If this field is populated then the value will be carred over the the Employee record's Default Unit Cost field.
    • If this field is not populated the system will calculate the Default Unit Cost.

Note: The value in this rate field is not a multiplier.

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

OT External Rate

Indicates the amount charged for the employee's time when working overtime at an external rate.

  • When you add an Employee record to a Work Order, and the employee's Time Cost is set to External Overtime the system will check this field on the Employee Setup record.
    • If this field is populated then the value will be carred over the the Employee record's Default Unit Cost field.
    • If this field is not populated the system will calculate the Default Unit Cost.

Note: The value in this rate field is not a multiplier.

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Time Cost

Identifies the default time cost applied to the employee record.

Time Cost options are established in Lucity's Work> Administration > Timecost Setup module.

Unit of Measure

Identifies how use of this employee's work is measured for a Work Order Task (e.g., hours, days, miles, etc.).

Notification-Related Fields

Supv Req Notif

Sets which Notification template is sent to the employee when he or she is assigned as a Supervisor on a Work Request.

  • Options in this pick-list come from System Configuration > Notification Setup module.

More information about Supervisor Request Notifications

Supv Work Notif

Sets which Notification template is sent to the employee when he or she is assigned as a Supervisor on a Work Order.

  • Options in this pick-list come from System Configuration > Notification Setup module.

More information about Supervisor Work Notifications

Lead Work Notif

Sets which Notification template is sent to the employee when he or she is assigned as a Leadworker on a Work Order.

  • Options in this pick-list come from System Configuration > Notification Setup module.

More information about Lead Work Notifications

Contact Fields





Zip Code

Identify the employee's street address.

Home Phone

Work Phone

Fax Number

Mobile Phone

Pager Number

Specify the various phone, fax and pager numbers used to contact the employee.


Notes the email address of the employee.

Lucity uses this address as the recipient for various notifications that may be sent to the employee.


Specifies date on which the employee was born.

security Access to this field is secured by the Allow View of Contact Data permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field is masked by symbols (*"***.#*").

Emerg Contact 1

Notes the email address for the employee's first emergency contact.

Contact 1 Phone

Notes the phone number for the employee's first emergency contact.

Emerg Contact 2

Notes the email address for the employee's second emergency contact.

Contact 2 Phone

Notes the phone number for the employee's second emergency contact.

Linking Fields

Linking Employee ID

Indicates the identification number assigned to the employee in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system. Links the employee in Lucity to FE when the two systems are integrated.


Indicates whether the Linking Employee ID is active in FE.

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.