Work Clock

work clock

Lucity's Work Clock enables users to automatically track the time that selected Employee Resources worked on a Work Task or the period that selected Equipment Resources were used on a Work Task.


The Work Clock appears within Lucity Web in the following ways:





work clock

Work Clock Status

App toolbar

This tool displays:

  • the Task for which the logged-in user is running an active Work Clock, and
  • a history of the three most recent Work Clocks.

work clock

Work Clock

Work Order toolbar

This tool enables users to start, stop, and switch running the Work Clock on Tasks.

Running Task Clock

Running Work Clock

Work Order Task grid

This icon appears next to Tasks with an active Work Clock.

Work Clock Process

The following is an example of the standard process that a user would follow to use the work clock on a given day.

Clock Start

When a user starts the Work Clock on a Work Order Task:

Clock Stop

When a user stops the Work Clock on a Work Order Task:


More information about Work Clock configuration

Common Tasks

How to start a Work Clock

How to stop a Work Clock

How to switch Tasks in the Work Clock

Admin Tasks

How to bulk stop the Work Clock for a filterset of Work Orders

How to bulk stop Work Clocks for a selection of Work Orders

Special Situations

Special Situations

The Lucity Work Clock is designed to handle common work situations, such as: