Fleet Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.


Data Dictionary

ID Fields

Fleet Rec ID *

Indicates the system-generated, unique ID for the Fleet vehicle.

Fleet ID **

Indicates the user-defined ID for this record. The Fleet ID consists of two fields: an alphanumerical code and a description or name.

Remember: When choosing a Fleet ID, the number must be unique in order to represent only one vehicle. Do not use a long, complex number, such as a vehicle identification number (VIN), or a number that is subject to change, such as a license plate. Instead, use a permanent number that may be easily seen when viewing the vehicle. The Fleet ID number should be retired when the vehicle is retired.

Asset Class

Sets the asset's class which is used to group together similar assets. The available list of classes come from records in the Asset Class Library that match this module.

Setting an Asset Class for a record can enable extra functionality with Class specific Forms and System Assembly Components.

*Must be unique.


Linking Fields

Building ID

Assigns the vehicle to a specific Building. The list of Buildings comes from the Facility > Building > Building module.

Site ID

Assigns the vehicle to a specific Site. The list of Sites comes from the Facility > Site > Site Inventory module.

Work Employee *


Assigns the vehicle to an Employee. The list of Employees comes from the Work > Work Flow SetupWork > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee module.

A vehicle assigned to an employee appears in the Issued grid on his or her Employee record.

WO Equip Code *


Links a record in the Fleet Inventory to a record in the Work Flow Setup > Equipment Setup module. This function allows the Fleet vehicle to be used as a Resource on a Work Order, rather than as an Asset. (A Work Order Asset is the item that is being worked on. A Work Order Resource is an item used to complete the Work Order.)

  • Enter the Equipment ID for the Work Flow Setup > Equipment Setup record to associate it with this Fleet record; or,
  • Enter a new number in this field to automatically create a matching record in the Work Flow Setup > Equipment Setup module; or,

Vendor Rec #

Indicates the vendor the vehicle was purchased from. The list of Vendors comes from the Fleet > Warranties > Vendors module. More information about Vendors.

*If the agency does not own the Work program, this field is not available.

Status-Related Fields

The following Fleet record fields relate to the vehicle's operational status. 

Operating Status

Indicates the status of the asset (e.g., operational, out-of-service, sold).

Note: Any record with a Status code above 950 is considered out of service. Anything below 950 is considered operational. No PMs can be generated for nonoperational vehicles (those with a status greater than 950).


Calculates the Mean Time Between Failure; that is, the average amount of time the vehicle is operational between breakdowns. The system automatically calculates this field by:

Adding the Units Since Failure fields from the Status grid records;

Dividing the sum by the number of Units Since Failure fields that were actually filled out (rather than the total number of asset Status records).

Manuf MTBF

Stores the manufacturer's expected Mean Time Between Failure, allowing an agency to determine whether the vehicle needs to be replaced because it is failing more often than expected.

Email-Related Fields

Operator Email

Indicates the operator's Email address. When an address is provided, the system automatically sends the operator related Fleet Notifications.

Inspection-Related Fields

The following Fleet record fields provide information about inspections:

Last Inspection

Specifies the date that the asset was last inspected. The system automatically completes this field using the Inspection Date from the most recent Inspection record.

Inspection Freq

Indicates the number of (date) units between inspections.

Inspection Freq Units

Specifies the type of units between inspections (e.g., days, weeks, months, years).

Next Inspection

Projects the date the next inspection should occur. Users can filter records by the Next Inspection Date to identify vehicles that need to be inspected.

The system calculates the date in one of two ways:

  1. If the Inspection Freq and Inspection Freq Units fields are populated, the system calculates the date of the next inspection using the Last Inspection date field.
  2. If the Inspection Freq and Inspection Freq Units fields are populated and a user had manually entered the Next Insp Date on the previous inspection, the program uses whichever date is sooner.

    Example: An inspection was completed on 8/15/2014. The user entered the Next Insp Date as 12/3/2014; however, the system-calculated date of the next inspection would be 8/15/2015. The system uses the nearer date, 12/3/2014, as the Next Inspection date.

Fueling-Related Fields

The following Fleet record fields relate to fueling the vehicle.

Max Fuel Units

Records the size of the vehicle's gas tank.

This value ensures that the fuel volume entered in a Fueling record's Fuel Amount field does not exceed the capacity of the tank.

Fuel Total Units

The total amount of fuel that has been consumed by the vehicle during its service.

  • Calculated as the sum of the values in the Fuel Amount fields on all Fueling records found in the Fueling grid.

Fuel Total Cost

The total dollar amount spent on fuel for the vehicle during its service.

  • Calculated as the sum of the values in the Total Fuel Cost fields on all Fueling records found in the Fueling grid.

Total Fluid Cost

The total dollar amount spent on fluids for the vehicle during its service.

  • Calculated as the sum of the values in the Other Fluids fields on all Fueling records found in the Fueling grid.

Reservation Fields

The following Fleet Inventory record fields provide information related to reservations for the vehicle.


Indicates whether the vehicle can be used on a Fleet Reservation.

Hourly Rental Rate

Identifies the dollar amount charged per hour to rent this vehicle.

Daily Rental Rate

Identifies the dollar amount charged per day to rent this vehicle.

Cost-Related Fields

The following Fleet record fields store information about the cost of the vehicle:

Purchase Date

The date the vehicle was purchased.

Purchase Amount

The dollar amount for which the vehicle was purchased.

Received Date

The date on which the agency took possession of the vehicle.

Service Life

The number of years that the vehicle is expected to be used before being retired.

Full Dep. Date

The date on which the vehicle will be depreciated or no longer be used. This date is auto-calculated as: Received Date + Service Life = Depreciation Date.

Salvage Value

An estimate of the dollar amount for which the vehicle can be sold or salvaged.

Dep. Amount

The monetary value of the vehicle that has been lost over the vehicle's life:

  1. Determine the number of months of service life (MSL):  Service Life*12 = MSL
  2. Determine the date of the last full month (LFM) by noting the current date and determining the last day of the previous month. For example, if the system date = 4/7/2005, then the LFM = 3/31/2005; if the system date = 3/31/2005, then the LFM = 2/28/2005.
  3. Determine the first month of depreciation (FMD) by looking at the Received Date. If the Received Date is during the first half of the month (14th and before), that month is used. If the Received Date is during the second half of the month, the system considers the next month the FMD. For example, a Received Date of 4/14/2001 would set the FMD to 4/1/2001. A Received Date of 4/16/2001 would set the FMD to 5/1/2001.
  4. Determine the Months of Depreciation (MD): LFM - FMD = MD
  5. Apply the final formula: [MD(Purchase Amount - Salvage)]/MSL = Depreciation Amount

Book Value

The remaining value of the vehicle, which is calculated as:

Purchase Amount - Depreciation Amount = Book Value

Replace Cost

The dollar amount necessary to replace the vehicle.

Hourly Cost

The price of operating this type of vehicle for one hour, which the system calculates as follows:

  1. Determine the Used Cost by averaging the value of the Used Cost field for all vehicles of the same Class.
  2. Determine the Total Average Hours by averaging the value of the Usable Hrs/Yr fields for all vehicles of the same Class.
  3. Apply the final formula: Used costs/Total Average Hours = Hourly Cost

Note: The Fleet record must have a Status < 950 and a specified Class.

Note: This calculation is performed when a user runs the Calculate Fleet Rate for.... toolkits.

Total Ins Cost

The sum of the Amount fields from all records in the Insurance Costs grid.

Evaluation Fields

The Fleet module's evaluation (eval) fields help agencies estimate the running cost of a vehicle. These fields can also be used to assess a vehicle's life span, based on running costs and recorded usage.  

Users supply the data for certain evaluation fields (in color below, but appear in white in the module), while other fields are calculated automatically by the system (grayed out below and in the module).

User-Populated Fields

The fields highlighted in color in the screenshot below must to be populated by the user before the system can calculate values for other fields.

eval fields 1

The following fields, highlighted in orange above, record information about the status of the vehicle when it was put into service.

Start Date

The date the vehicle entered into service.

Starting Odometer

Starting Hourmeter

Starting Other Meter

The meter reading when the vehicle entered into service.


The fields highlighted in blue above store data about the life-expectancy of the vehicle.

Service Life

The number of years the vehicle is expected to be in service.

Maximum Odometer

Maximum Hourmeter

Maximum Other Meter

The anticipated maximum meter reading for the vehicle.

Maximum Cost

The maximum amount of money available to spend on vehicle repairs and preventative maintenance during the vehicle's life span.


The fields highlighted in green predict the estimated annual usage of the vehicle.

Est. Ann. Odometer

Est. Ann. Hourmeter

Est. Ann. Other Meter

The estimated annual meter reading for the vehicle.

Est. Annual Cost

The estimated annual expenses for the vehicle.


Calculated Fields

Once a user supplies the pertinent data and the record is saved, the system automatically calculates values for the remaining fields, which relate to the current state of the vehicle. These system-calculated fields are highlighted in color in the screenshot below.

calcualted eval fields

The data that the system uses to calculate these fields come from Fleet Fueling, Inspection, Work Order, Travel Log, and Reset records for the vehicle. When the system detects that such a record has been created (that is, the record has a more recent date and higher meter reading), Lucity updates the system-calculated fields.

Lucity updates these values each night, as well as when a user saves or refreshes the Fleet record.

Current Amounts

Current Date

The last date that any Work or a Fueling, Travel Log, or Reset was recorded for the vehicle.

Most Current Time

The last time that any Work or a Fueling, Travel Log, or Reset was recorded on the date above. This field allows multiple records of the previously listed types to occur on the same day.

Current Odometer

Current Hourmeter

Current Other Meter

The most recent meter reading, the source of which may be a Fueling, Inspection, Travel Log, Work Order, or Reset record.

If: a Fleet vehicle is used on a Fleet Reservation where Actual Return Date/Time > Fleet Inventory Eval Current Date/Time,

Then: update Fleet Inventory's Eval Current Date/Time and Current Odometer fields with Fleet Reservation's Actual Return Date/Time and Return Mileage

More information on Fleet Reservations

Vehicle Usage

Amount Used Date

The number of years the vehicle has been in service.

Calculated as: Current Date - Start Date.

Used Odometer

Used Hourmeter

Used Other Meter

The number of miles the vehicle has been used since being put into service.

Calculated as: Current Odometer - Starting Odometer.

Used Cost

The total dollar amount spent on the vehicle to date. This includes Work Order costs, Fueling costs, and additional costs.

Calculated as: Fuel Total Cost + Total Maintenance Cost + Sum of Amount Fields on all Cost Information Records.

Total Maintenance Cost

The sum of all Work Order costs for this vehicle.

Calculated by adding the values of the WO Cost field on all Work Order Asset records for the vehicle.

Fuel Total Cost

The total cost of fueling the vehicle. Note: This field also appears under Fueling-Related Fields.

Calculated by adding the values of the Total Fuel Cost field on all Fueling records found in the Fueling grid.

Remaining Amounts

Remaining Date

The number of years left in the vehicle's estimated maximum life span.

Calculated as: Maximum Amount - Amount Used.

Remaining Odometer

Remaining Hourmeter

Remaining Other Meter

The available working miles remaining in the vehicle's estimated maximum meter reading.

Calculated as: Maximum Odometer - Used Odometer.

Remaining Amt

The dollar amount left in the budget for vehicle repairs and maintenance.

Calculated as: Maximum Cost - Used Cost.

Actual Annual Usage

Actual Odometer

Actual Hourmeter

Actual Other Meter

The amount (miles, hours or other metered unit) that the vehicle is used in a year.

Calculated as: Used Odometer / Amount Used Date.

Actual Annual Cost

The dollar amount spent to keep the vehicle running during the course of a year.

Calculated as: Used Cost / Amount Used Date.

Estimated Remaining Lifespan based on Usage

Remain Odo Life

Remaining Hour Life

Remaining Other Life

An estimate of the number of additional years the vehicle is expected to run.

Calculated as: Remaining Odometer / Actual Odometer.

Remaining Cost Life

The dollar amount remaining, per year, to keep the vehicle working.

Calculated as: Remaining Amt / Actual Annual Cost.

Average Total Cost per Meter

Cost per Odometer

Cost per Hourmeter

Cost per Other Meter

The dollar amount required to run the vehicle for one iteration of the meter. For example, it costs $2 to drive the vehicle for one mile.

Calculated as: Used Cost / Used Odometer.

Average Total Maintenance Cost per Meter

Maint Cost/Odometer

Maint Cost/Hourmeter

Maint Cost/Other Meter

The dollar amount required to maintain the vehicle for one iteration of the meter. For example, it costs $4 to drive the vehicle one mile.

Calculated as: Total Maintenance Cost / Used Odometer.

Total Operational

Total Operational Cost

The dollar amount required to operate the vehicle and keep it operational.

Calculated as: Fuel Total Cost + Total Maintenance Cost.

Tire-Related Fields

The following Fleet fields are used to record how many rear tire slots exist on a vehicle. This data is required if a user wants to attach Tire records to a Fleet record.

# of Rear Axles

Indicates how many rear axles are on the vehicle. (Lucity assumes every vehicle has one front axle.)

This value tells the program how many axles to display.

Axle 1

Axle 2

Axle 3

Records whether each rear axle has one or two tires on each side. (Lucity assumes that the front axle has one tire on each side.)

Log Video Overview Video

Work-Related Fields

The following asset fields are related to Work Orders, PMs and/or Requests:

Default WO Cat ***

Lets users establish a default Category for the Asset. When a Work Order is created for the Asset, the default Category and related asset information are imported into the new Work Order record. Multiple Categories are available in the pick-list.

More Information about Default Work Category

No WO/PM/REQ ***

When enabled, users cannot create Work Orders, PMs, or Requests for that Asset. The Asset also no longer appears in the selection dialog boxes for WO/PM/Request modules. This function is useful for assets that are logged in Lucity, but have been retired.

Asset Account #

Indicates the reference number of the general account to be billed for any work done on the asset. The system can be configured to handle account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field. More information about Account Number formats

  • Automatically populates the Account # on work orders to which the asset is added, if the work order's Account # field is empty.

Asset Proj No - Acct

Indicates the reference number for a specific project account to be billed for any work done on the asset. The system can be configured to handle project account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field. More information about Project Account Number formats

  • Automatically populates the Proj No -Account # on work orders to which the asset is added, if the work order's Proj No -Account # field is empty.

Maintenance Zone *

Enables agencies to group Assets based on a location. The Maintenance Zone value is then carried over to the Work Order, where it can be used to automatically assign a Supervisor.

This field is most easily populated through GIS.

More information about Maintenance Zones

Alternate Zone *

Enables users to group Assets based on a secondary location parameter of an agency's choosing. The Alternate Zone is then carried over to the Work Order.

This field is most easily populated through GIS.

More information about Maintenance Zones

WO Comment *

Enables user to include information relevant to working on the asset. Information that a user enters here is copied to the Work Order > Asset > Asset Comment field.

Last WO Task

Displays the last date that asset was included on a work order.

More information about how this is automatically updated

* Applies to PMs.
* Applies to Requests.
* Applies to Work Orders.

GIS-Related Fields




Contains basic information about the assets location.

  • Point features - Stores the XY coordinates of the asset's location.
  • Line features - Stores the XY coordinates of the midpoint of the line.
  • Polygon features - Stores the XY coordinates of the centroid of the polygon.
  • Z coordinates are stored if they are avaiable.
  • Coordinates are calculated using the coordinate system used in the related feature service (Spatial Reference, or WKID).

In Map

Indicates that the record is found in the GIS system.

  • When checked the system enables the show in map tool.
  • Automatically updated when an GIS feature is synced into Lucity.
  • Can be updated using the Update Show in Map Flag tool.

GIS Subtype

Indicates which Subtype is used to classify the asset in GIS.

GIS Needed

Enables users to mark the record as needing to be added/updated in GIS.

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.