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The Fleet Inventory grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Replica Record | Selected Record

Blank Eval Current Date | Current FIlter

Blank Eval Current Date | Selected Record(s)

Calculate Fleet Rate | Current Filter

Calculate Fleet Rate | Selected Records

Calculate Fueling Averages | Current Filter

Calculate Fueling Averages | Current Filter

Calculate Hourly Cost | All Records

Calculate Remaining Useful Life | Current Filter

Calculate Remaining Useful Life | Selected Record(s)

Close Expired Insurance Cost Records | Current Filter

Close Expired Insurance Cost Records | Selected Records

Create Purchase Request | Selected Record(s)

Recalculate Fleet Summary Fields | Selected Record(s)

Recalculate Fleet Summary Fields for Current Filter

Recalculate Travel Log Meter Readings using Miles/Hours | Current Filter

Recalculate Travel Log Meter Readings using Miles/Hours | Selected Record(s)

Send Email Notification | Current Filter

Send Email Notification | Selected Records

Add Replica Record | Selected Record

Creates a new Fleet record with data identical to the tasks, parts, components, warranty and insurance information of the selected Fleet record. It also carries over all information from the detail form to the new Fleet record.

This toolkit streamlines the process of creating new Fleet records.

How to add replica Fleet record for selected record

Blank Eval Current Date | Current FIlter

Clears the Current Date field (evaluation fields) on all records in the current filterset.

How to clear the Current Date fields on all records in a filterset


Blank Eval Current Date | Selected Record(s)

Clears the Current Date field (evaluation fields) for the records currently selected in the grid.

How to clear the Current Date field for selected record(s)


Calculate Fleet Rate | Current Filter

Recalculates the Depreciation Amount, Book Value, Hourly Cost fields (cost related fields) and Used Cost field (evaluation fields) on all records in the current filterset.

How to calculate the Fleet Rate for records in the current filter


Calculate Fleet Rate | Selected Records

Recalculates the Depreciation Amount, Book Value, Hourly Cost fields (cost related fields) and Used Cost field (evaluation fields) for all records selected in the Fleet grid.

How to calculate the Fleet Rate for selected records


Calculate Fueling Averages | Current Filter

Recalculates the Avg Days/Amount, Avg Miles Amount, Avg Hours/Amount, Avg Other/Amount fields (summary fields) on Fueling records related to the Fleet records in the current filterset.

How to calculate the fueling averages for records in the current filter

Calculate Fueling Averages | Current Filter

Recalculates the Avg Days/Amount, Avg Miles Amount, Avg Hours/Amount, Avg Other/Amount fields (summary fields) on Fueling records related to the Fleet records selected in the Fleet grid.

How to calculate the Fueling Averages for selected record(s)

Calculate Hourly Cost | All Records

Calculates the Hourly Cost field (cost-related fields) for all records. The Houly Cost value represents the dollar amount required to run the vehicle for one hour.

How to calculate the Hourly Cost of using a vehicle


Calculate Remaining Useful Life | Current Filter

Prompts Lucity to update or recalculate certain Evaluation fields (see list below) on Fleet records in the filterset. These fields are used to summarize the vehicle's use and remaining life.

Lucity recommends that you run one of the Recalculate Fleet Summary Fields toolkits before running the Calculate Remaining Useful Life toolkit to ensure the system performs its calculations using the most recent odometer/meter readings.

Note: The system automatically updates a Fleet Inventory record and recalculates relevant figures each time a user saves a related record (for example, a Fueling, Work Order or Inspection record). Lucity makes this toolkit available to accommodate rare instances in which relevant data is imported or entered through other means.

The specific fields that are updated or recalculated are:

How to calculate the remaining useful life for Fleet vehicles in the current filter

Calculate Remaining Useful Life | Selected Record(s)

Prompts Lucity to update or calculate certain Evaluation fields (see list below) on the selected Fleet records. These fields are used to summarize the vehicle's use and remaining life.

Lucity recommends that you run the Recalculate Fleet Summary Fields toolkit before running the Calculate Remaining Useful Life toolkit to ensure the system performs its calculations using the most recent odometer/meter readings.

Note: The system automatically updates a Fleet Inventory record and recalculates relevant figures each time a user saves a related record (for example, a Fueling, Work Order or Inspection record). Lucity makes this toolkit available to accommodate rare instances in which relevant data is imported or entered through other means.

The specific fields that are updated or recalculated are:

How to calculate the remaining useful life of the selected Fleet record(s)

Close Expired Insurance Cost Records | Current Filter

Checks all Insurance Cost records associated with the Fleet records in the current filterset to determine whether the policy has expired (i.e., Expiration Date < current date).

If the policy has expired, the system automatically checks the Closed field on those Insurance Cost records.

How to close expired Insurance Cost records in the filterset


Close Expired Insurance Cost Records | Selected Records

Checks all Insurance Cost records associated with the Fleet records currently selected in the grid to determine whether the policy has expired (i.e., Expiration Date < current date).

If the policy has expired, the system automatically checks the Closed field on those Insurance Cost records.

How to close selected expired Insurance Cost records for selected Fleet record(s)


Create Purchase Request | Selected Record(s)

Creates a Purchase Request record with a Purchase Request Items child record for each Asset you select before running the toolkit. This toolkit is only available for use with assets that have a WO Category selected.

This toolkit is available in the following Asset Inventory modules:

How to create a Purchase Request from an Asset Inventory module for one or more selected assets

Recalculate Fleet Summary Fields | Selected Record(s)

Recalculates the calculated evaluation fields for all records in the current filterset.

How to recalculate Fleet Summary fields for selected record(s)

Recalculate Fleet Summary Fields for Current Filter

Recalculates the calculated evaluation fields for all records in the current filterset.

How to recalculate Fleet Summary fields for current filter

Recalculate Travel Log Meter Readings using Miles/Hours | Current Filter

Recalculates the Starting/Ending Odometer and/or Hourmeter on all Travel Logs related to Fleet records in the current filterset. The Mileage and Hours used in each recalculated Travel Log will remain the same.

While this recalculation happens automatically if the Travel Log is deleted through Lucity Web, you must use this toolkit to force recalculation from a selected date on Travel Logs deleted through other methods.

How to recalculate Travel Log meter readings using Miles/Hours for current filterset

Recalculate Travel Log Meter Readings using Miles/Hours | Selected Record(s)

Recalculates the Starting/Ending Odometer and/or Hourmeter on all Travel Logs related to selected Fleet record(s). The Mileage and Hours used in each recalculated Travel Log will remain the same.

While this recalculation happens automatically if the Travel Log is deleted through Lucity Web, you must use this toolkit to force recalculation from a selected date on Travel Logs deleted through other methods.

How to recalculate Travel Log meter readings using Miles/Hours for selected record(s)

Send Email Notification | Current Filter

Sends an email notification to the operators of all the Fleet vehicles in the current filterset.

How to send an email notification to operators of Fleet vehicles in the current filterset


Send Email Notification | Selected Records

Sends an email notification to the operators of all Fleet record(s).

How to send an email notification to the operators of the selected Fleet vehicle(s)