Update Last WO Task Date

Knowing when an item was last worked on is an important aspect of managing assets.

Each Asset Inventory record in Lucity has a Last WO Date field. Agencies can configure Lucity to populate this field automatically with the date on which someone last worked on the asset.

For example, if a Work Order calls for pruning a tree, the arborist would enter the date she completed the work on the Work Order Asset record, and the system would automatically update the Tree Inventory record with that date. Later, a supervisor could filter all Tree records by the Last WO Date to determine which trees have been worked on recently and which trees have not.



Administrators can control which Tasks update the Last WO Date on an Asset record by enabling the function on Work Task Setup records. For example, some agencies may want the system to track dates for maintenance and repairs made on an asset, but prefer not to track the Last WO Date when a Work Order calls only for an inspection of an asset.

  1. Review the Task Setup records in the Work Task Setup module.
  2. Check the Update Asset Last WO Date checkbox for each Task that should trigger an update to an Asset's Last WO Date field.

How It Works