Lucity Web Map Setup

The Lucity Web Map gives users tools to interact with their GIS and Lucity data.

To configure the Lucity Web Map, administrators combine map services published to the web. These services can come from free online web services, an agency's ArcGIS Portal or an agency's ArcGIS Server published map services. Administrators can also create custom maps for different parts of the organization.

This section provides links to step-by-step instructions for configuring the Lucity Web Map.


ArcGIS Portal Integration

This is an optional configuration that links Lucity Web to your ArcGIS Portal. Integrating the two systems allows the Lucity Web Map to access portal resources.

User Permission Configuration

This is required configuration that makes sure that users have the right permissions to setup and use the Lucity Web Map.

Lucity Webmap Components

The following components are required to make the Lucity Web Map work.

Arc GIS Web Maps or

Legacy Lucity Maps

The Lucity Web Map will either display and ArcGIS Web Map or a Legacy Lucity Map. These maps are a collection of GIS data that the Lucity Web Maps tools can interact with.

GIS Views

Controls the default web map that a user sees when they open the Lucity Web Map as well as the tools that are available to them.

Default Extent

Defines the default area that the map will display and search within.

Geolocator Services

ArcGIS Services that provide address information in the web map.

Geometry Services

ArcGIS Service that helps work with geospatial data that is displayed using different spatial references.

Tool Setup


ArcGIS informational pop-ups that the web map uses to display information.

Printing Services

ArcGIS Service that provides the ability to print.

Module Spatial Data

Geospatial data generated by the Lucity Spatial Indexer and stored in the Lucity database.

Web Map Gallery Configuration

The Web Map Gallery displays all of the ArcGIS Web Maps that the logged in ArcGIS user has access to. There are ways within Lucity to limit the view so that they only see maps that apply to Lucity.

Basemap Gallery Configuration

The Basemap Gallery displays all of the ArcGIS Base Maps that the logged in ArcGIS user has access to. THere are ways within Lucity to limit the view so that they only see maps that apply to Lucity.

Red-Line Configuration

The Red-Line tool requires setting up maps with editable layers that can be used for doing in map markups.


In This Section

ArcGIS Portal Integration

User Permission Configuration

Building ArcGIS Web Maps

Building Legacy Lucity Maps

Lucity GIS View Setup

Default Extent

Geocoding Setup

Geometry Service Setup

Tool Configuration

Lucity Webmap Related System Settings