Tool Configuration

Some of the tools in the Lucity Web Map require some special setup or configuration.


ArcGIS informational pop-ups that the web map uses to display information.

Printing Services

ArcGIS Service that provides the ability to print.

Module Spatial Data

Geospatial data generated by the Lucity Spatial Indexer and stored in the Lucity database.

Web Map Gallery Configuration

The Web Map Gallery displays all of the ArcGIS Web Maps that the logged in ArcGIS user has access to. There are ways within Lucity to limit the view so that they only see maps that apply to Lucity.

Basemap Gallery Configuration

The Basemap Gallery displays all of the ArcGIS Base Maps that the logged in ArcGIS user has access to. THere are ways within Lucity to limit the view so that they only see maps that apply to Lucity.

Red-Line Configuration

The Red-Line tool requires setting up maps with editable layers that can be used for doing in map markups.

Pop-up Configuration

Agencies that use an ArcGIS Portal will notice that several Lucity Web Map tools use ArcGIS pop-ups to display asset data. An agency can configure such pop-ups through their ArcGIS system.

Lucity Configuration

There is no special configuration within Lucity for pop-ups. By default, the Lucity Web Map displays whatever pop-up has been configured for a layer.

If no pop-up has been configured, the Web Map checks the Auto-generate pop-up for layers setting for the current GIS View.

ArcGIS Configuration

The following ESRI articles talk about how to configure pop-ups in ArcGIS: