
 Field Introduction
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Expand General Functionality
Expand System
Collapse Sewer Master
   Collapse Sewer Inventory
      Expand Pipe Inventory
      Expand Structure Inventory
      Expand Service Lateral Inventory
      Expand Service Permits
      Expand Pump Stations Inventory
      Collapse Pump Inventory
          Sewer Pump Header Data
          Pumps Tab
          Curve Tab
          Motor and Seal Tab
          Plates Tab
         Collapse Status/Construction History Tab
             Status History Grid
             Construction History Grid
          Location History Tab
          Equipment Tab
          Inspections Tab
          Readings Tab
          Purch/Warr Tab
          Custom and Comments
   Expand Sewer Inspections
   Expand Sewer Readings
   Expand Overflows
   Expand Import and Export
   Expand System Tools
Expand Storm Master
Expand Transportation
Expand Water Master
Expand Electric Distribution
Expand Trees and Parks
Expand Equipment Master
Expand Facility Master
Expand Work Master
Expand Mobile Desktop
Expand Lucity GIS