Location History Tab

This grid automatically documents when a pump was installed or uninstalled from a location; however, you can manually add a record as well.  This is especially useful if you want to log meter readings for a pump.  

Note: A pump must be associated with a pump station and have a designated slot number for this grid to be enabled.

Adding a Location Record

To add a location record to this grid, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear

    Pump Loc Hist

  2. The Pump Station ID, Station Name, and Slot Number will be automatically populated by the system with the associated pump station information.
  3. Enter the date along with any meter readings and actions from that location.  You can also enter additional notes in the large text field. 

    Note: The Last Modified By and Last Modified Date fields are automatically populated.

  4. Click to save the record.
  5. Click to close the window.

Viewing, Editing, or Deleting a Location Record

You can view, edit, or delete a record location from this grid by Right-clicking on the record and selecting View Record, Edit Record, or Delete Record.

See Also

Pump Inventory

Sewer Pump Header Data

Pumps Tab

Curve Tab

Motor and Seal Tab

Plates Tab

Status/Construction History Tab

Equipment Tab

Inspections Tab

Readings Tab

Purch/Warr Tab


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