Troubleshooting Tips

This describes some frequent issues that users experience with their geodatabase, and how to possibly resolve these issues.  Many of these topics cover issues that are not related to the Lucity software.  If you cannot resolve your problem with these suggestions, you may call Lucity support, but if it is not a Lucity issue we will direct you to contact ESRI for assistance.


Troubleshooting Advice

Ancillary Role Field Errors

In the building of a geometric network, it is common to get errors relating to the Ancillary Role field.  This is a field used exclusively by ArcGIS for building a network.  The best way to resolve problems with the Ancillary role field is to delete the field from the offending feature class.  ArcGIS will recreate this field when it is needed again.


If you are using an ArcSDE geodatabase, Lucity does not affect versioning of your geodatabases.  You will need to specify which version you want Lucity to update when you are editing attributes in Lucity, but beyond that, the set up of your versioning has no impact on Lucity. Follow ESRI guidelines on setting up versioning.

ArcMap has generated Errors. . . .

This is a common ESRI issue.  If you have the latest GIS patches (contact support for patches), and the problem is not resolved, the next step is to delete your Normal.mxt.  This file is located at C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\ESRI\ArcMap.  ArcGIS will regenerate this file as needed.  If this does not resolve the issue, try opening ArcMap without opening your project; it is possible the project is corrupt.  ESRI provides some project repair utilities you can try if this is the case.  If your project is corrupt, or if none of these suggestions has resolved your issue search for "ArcMap has generated errors" and follow ESRI's recommendations.

Lucity Open Module tool does not show any data when I right click on a feature

This is most likely caused by the Custom Feature Definition not being set up properly, or by the layer being nested too deeply in groupings.  If removing your layer from a group, and moving the layer to the top of the table of contents does not resolve the issue, check the Custom Feature Definition information to see if you have improperly defined the setup.  There was a change from 6.70 to 6.70 SP6 that required shapefile feature classes to be defined differently.  Starting with 6.70 SP6, when you define your shapefile only enter the shapefile feature class name.  For example, if your feature classes is at c:\MyGISFolder\swman.shp, you should only enter "swman" in the Source Data field in the Custom Feature Definition module.

Loading a subset does not highlight all records

Try removing your layer from any groups and moving it to the top of the display in ArcMap.  If this does not work, follow the suggestions in the previous item for the Open Module tool.

Performing Editor > Start Editing does not prompt that Edits will be saved to the desktop

Most likely this is caused by your GIS database setup in your ArcMap project not matching the setup in the System > Configuration > GIS > Database dialog in Lucity.  Right click on your layer in ArcMap and look at the source tab in the layer properties dialog.  Compare the values of these key fields:

  • Server
  • Location

to the values of these fields in the GIS Database Configuration dialog in the desktop application (System > Configuration > GIS > Database)

  • Server
  • Database

These values much match exactly, but are not case-sensitive.  Correct the value that is not correct, then close the edit session and try again.  If you are using an IP address to describe the server through your ArcMap connection, you must use an IP address to describe the server in Lucity.

See Also

Admin Setup - Getting Started

GIS Database Configuration

Custom Feature Definition

Address Show in Map Configuration

Show in Map Configuration

Show in Map Function

Geodatabase/Lucity Synchronization Process

Preferences and Setup

Importing External Spatial Data into the Geodatabase

Integrating Custom Feature Types not in Lucity

Customizing Work Order Map Report

Customizing Work Request Map Report

Predefined Labeling Schemes

GIS Licenses in Use

Removing Duplicate Toolbars