Customizing Work Order Map Report

The work order map report may be customized if you have Crystal Reports.  To customize the report, go out to your reports or o_reports directory on the server.  In the work directory there is a file called WOFMmap.rpt.  This is the report you may customize.  Before you make any changes, backup the report so that you may restore it if necessary.

This report is just like every other Lucity™ report, except that it has an embedded OLE object that links to an image to display the map.  In the group footer of this report is an image that has been inserted.

If you would rather use a different report as your report for the map, complete the following steps:

  1. Find the report that you want to use, open it and perform a "Save as".  
  2. Save it as the WOFMmap.rpt (make sure you backup the WOFMmap.rpt first).  Most likely, if it is a work order form report, you will want to either insert the image in one of the group footers, or in the report footer.  
  3. To insert the image go to Insert > OLE Object.

    Insert Menu

  4. Select the "Select from File" option and check the "Link" checkbox.

    Insert Object

  5. Click on the "Browse" button and browse to c:\temp\woimage.jpg.

    Insert Object 2

  6. Insert your image into the map and expand or shrink it as needed.

Notes: Try to run the standard report provided with Lucity GIS once.  This will ensure that the woimage.jpg exists before you try to insert it into your new report. Make sure you are out of the report before trying to run it in GIS, and make sure that the GIS report is closed before you try to re-open it in Crystal Reports

See Also

Admin Setup - Getting Started

GIS Database Configuration

Custom Feature Definition

Address Show in Map Configuration

Show in Map Configuration

Show in Map Function

Geodatabase/Lucity Synchronization Process

Preferences and Setup

Importing External Spatial Data into the Geodatabase

Integrating Custom Feature Types not in Lucity

Customizing Work Request Map Report

Predefined Labeling Schemes

Troubleshooting Tips

GIS Licenses in Use

Removing Duplicate Toolbars