The Other Fluids Used tab allows you to record additional fluids used by the vehicle at the time of the fueling. For instance, you may record engine oil, wiper fluid, transmission fluid, etc. All fluids logged in this module must come from the Work Flow Setup Fluids module.
Note: If you did not purchase Work, this tab will not be available to you.
Adding a Fluid Record
To add a fluid to the existing fueling record, complete the following steps:
Note: The UOM field is auto-populated based on the unit of measure specified in that fluid's Work Flow Setup record.
Note: This field will be auto-populated if a default unit cost is listed in that fluid's Work Flow Setup record; however, you can edit this default amount.
Note: The Total Cost will be calculated by the system.
To edit or delete the fluid record, right click on the fluid ID and select either Edit Record or Delete Record.