WO Number Format

To customize the work order number format, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the Number Format tab.
  2. Select Work Order Number from the drop-down menu in the dialog box.
  3. Click on the module toolbar to enter Edit Mode.
  4. Begin formatting the work order number by selecting an option from each group (Year, Month, Day, Special Characters, and Sequence).
  5. Click to save the changes.
  6. Use the Clear Number button to clear the dialog box and start over.

When formatting work order numbers, consider how many work orders you will generate per year, per month, etc. Then decide how often you want your work order numbers reset (yearly, monthly, daily).  We recommend using the following format if you want to reset your work order numbers annually: YY-XXXXXX (e.g. 06-000001).  However, if you want your work order numbers reset monthly, you may want to use a different format such as the following: YY-MM-XXXX (e.g. 06- 08-0001).  Or if you are resetting the numbers daily, you could include the actual date: YY-MMDD-XXX (e.g. 06-0801-001).  No matter which format you choose, be sure to select a sequence number (e.g. 0001) proportionate to the number of work orders you will generate.  

Note: The Work Order Number field has an 18 character maximum.

Note: Work order number reset options are found under the General Options tab.

See Also

Work Options

WO Tracking Options

WO General Options

WO Parts Integration

WO Financial Integration

Request Number Format

Request Tracking Options

Request General Options

Request Parts Integration

Request Financial Integration

Advanced Options