Customer Notifications

The Request module can be setup to send automated notifications to customers both to thank them for their request, and to notify them when it is completed. These emails will be sent to all requesters on the request.


When are Customer Notifications Sent?

Where are Customer Notifications Set Up?

Who Receives Customer Notifications?

How can Request Notifications be Overridden?


How to

Setup a Customer notification

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values


  2. After creating the notification template go to the Work Flow Setup > Problems module, and find a problem you want customer notification to be sent out for.
  3. Select the "Cust Thank You" and/or "Cust Completed" check boxes on the Defaults tab. These indicate whether the selected problem will send Customer Thank You and/or Customer Completion emails when associated with a Request.


  4. In Work > Work Options > Advanced Options tab, select which default email is sent for the "Customer Thank You" email and the "Customer Request Completion" email.


  5. Ensure that a valid Requester email address is included on the work request in the Requests module.

    Note: These customer notifications are NOT sent when a customer enters a request through the Citizen Portal web product. Those notifications are generated directly by the citizen portal.

See Also

Work Request Notifications

Supervisor Notifications

Problem Notifications

Overdue Problem Notification