Feature Class Name: This is the name of the feature class. This is NOT the alias name. If this is an sde and the owner of the feature class is not dbo, then the owner must be specified in the format of owner.featureClassName. Click the dropdown to see a list of current feature classes that are associated to the geodatabase.
Note: The feature class dropdown list will be empty if a connection to the geodatabase fails.
Module Name: This field is read-only for existing item in the feature class list. This is the name of the Lucity module to which the geodatabase feature class is related.
Table Name: This field is read-only and shows the Lucity table name that corresponds to the selected Lucity module.
Disable Feature Class: This flag disables a feature class that is not in use, but needs to remain in the setup. It is recommended to disable any feature classes that are not being used; it will speed up processing time.
Always Update Length/Area: This flag indicates whether or not the Lucity GIS Extension should always update the length or area field when the shape of a feature has changed. If checked, the program will update the field in the feature class mapped to the Lucity length/area field. If this option is left unchecked, the Length/Area fields will only be populated when the feature is first created.
Feature Class Fields (Not linked to Lucity)
In Lucity Flag Field- (Optional) This field is updated by Lucity to indicate whether or not a record in the feature class has been synchronized with Lucity.*
This should be a short integer field
should be assigned a domain that classifies 0=No or False and 1= Yes or true.
Last Modified By- (Optional) This field is controlled by Lucity to indicate the last user to modify the record in the map.*
This should be a Text Field
Last Modified Date- (Optional) This field is controlled by Lucity to indicate the last date the record was modified in the map.*
This should be a Date field
Last Synchronized Date- (Optional) This field is controlled by Lucity to indicate the last date the record was synchronized with Lucity.*
This should be a Date field
Layer Index- Starting with 7.1, this field is no longer used.
Field for Display- This is the field that is displayed by various Lucity GIS tools. By default, during the 7.1 upgrade this field will be set to the first common ID of the feature class.
* If these fields do not exist in the feature class they can be added using the Feature Class Schema tools.
Feature Class Linking Fields
Common Link Field 1: (Required) The unique identifier assigned by the user for this asset. The value for this field cannot be directly modified; it is automatically populated based on the field mappings from the grid at the right of the page. Every module has at least one field that defines the asset as unique. These fields are highlighted in red in the grid to the right. To enter a value in this field, find the corresponding red highlighted field and type the field name into the Feature Class Field Name column.
This should be a string field in the geodatabase, not a numeric field.
Lucity AutoID Link: (Strongly Recommended) This field is used by Lucity to store an indexed long integer link between the records in the feature class and the records in the Lucity inventory table. This field must be long integer. The value for this field name is not editable; to update this value, use the grid to populate all of the red highlighted (required) fields. Note: Starting with version 7.1 this field is no longer required; although, it is still strongly recommended to have it. Not having this field will impact the performance of some of the Lucity GIS tools as additional resources will be used to determine the AutoID value based upon the common ID.