- Feature Class From and To Node Table: This is read only. It shows which table the to and from nodes will be stored in. The feature class(es) that contain the to and from node point features should be configured to synch to the Lucity table/module listed on this tab.
- Note: The water pipes feature class does not need a from and to node table; this information is figured out automatically based on the other configurations. To have the system automatically populate the from and to node values in to the feature class, make sure there are fields mapped to the water pipe PP_FRM_END, PP_FTYP_CD, PP_TO_END, PP_TTYP_CD fields. These are not required, but will be automatically populated by Lucity if they exist.
- Feature Class From Node Field: This field stores the name of the string field that will store the upstream (from) node identifier.
- For sewer pipes or storm pipes this is the upstream structure and is required.
- For street segments, this is the from intersection and is optional, unless the Accident module is being used, in which case it is required.
- This field should be a text or character field.
- Feature Class To Node Field: This field stores the name of the string field that will store the downstream (to) node identifier.