Enter Inventory Count

To enter stock counts and track their history, complete the following steps:

  1. Right click on a record and select Enter Inventory Count. The following window will appear:

    Enter Inventory Count

  2. The Part ID, Location, and Original Quantity will all be carried over by the system.
  3. Enter the Count in the field provided.
  4. Enter the Date the count was taken. This is required in order to save the record.
  5. Record any additional description needed to identify the count.
  6. Save the record.

    Note: Once the Inventory Count record is saved, a new Transactions record will be added for all three types of counts. These records will display the Count, Original Quantity, and Transaction Type (Loc Count Adj Qty +, Loc Count Adj Qty -, and Loc Count No Adj). New Part History records will be added for positive adjustments only. For negative adjustments, the adjustment quantity will be subtracted from the Current Quantity column of the oldest Part History record(s) showing a non-zero quantity.

See Also

Inventory Tab

Active Locations

All Locations

View or Edit Records

Adjust Part Quantity (+ or -)

Transfer Parts to Different Location

Set a Reorder Point