Sewer Overflows

This section contains information on the Sewer Overflows, Overflow Investigators, and Overflow Notification Library modules. These modules work together to help you track and analyze your sanitary sewer overflow events (SSO). Below, we've identified the basic relationships between the Sewer Overflow modules. Follow the links at the bottom of the screen for detailed information.

Module Relationships

Each overflow can be associated with the sewer structure, pipe, and/or service lateral where the SSO was observed. In order to create work orders associated with the SSO, the problem pipe must be identified. You can create records for multiple overflow investigators and notification agencies. You can then associate the agencies routinely notified of SSO events with each overflow investigator. When you assign an investigator to an SSO, the corresponding notification agencies will also be populated.

In This Section


Overflow Investigators

Overflow Notification Library

See Also


Sewer Inventory

Sewer Inspections

Sewer Readings

Sewer Pump Warranty

Sewer Construction Records

Sewer Rehab

Environmental Compliance

Import and Export

System Tools

Sewer Options

Sewer Notifications