Sewer Options

The Sewer Options module allows agencies to control how some of the sewer modules function and enable integration with other Lucity modules.

To access Sewer Options, select Sewer > Options and the following window will appear:

Sewer Options

Allow Multiple Inspection Records per Unique Structure

This option allows agencies to keep track of multiple inspections for each sewer structure, which provides a historical look at that asset. If this option is set to No there can only be one inspection record per sewer structure. In this case to create a new inspection record for a structure, users must either delete the old inspection, or edit the old one and update it with new inspection details and results.

Allow Multiple TV Inspection Records per Unique Pipe

This option allows agencies to keep track of multiple TV Inspections for each sewer pipe, which provides a historical look at that asset. If this option is set to No there can only be one TV inspection record per sewer pipe. In this case to create a new inspection record for a pipe, users must either delete the old inspection, or edit the old one and update it with new inspection details and results.

Allow Multiple Lamping Inspection Records per Unique Pipe

This option allows agencies to keep track of multiple Lamping Inspections for each sewer pipe, which provides a historical look at that asset. If this option is set to No there can only be one Lamping inspection record per sewer pipe. In this case to create a new inspection record for a pipe, users must either delete the old inspection, or edit the old one and update it with new inspection details and results.

Allow Multiple Smoke Testing Records per Unique Pipe

This option allows agencies to keep track of multiple Smoke Tests for each sewer pipe, which provides a historical look at that asset. If this option is set to No there can only be one Smoke testing record per sewer pipe. In this case to create a new test record for a pipe, users must either delete the old test, or edit the old one and update it with new testing details and results.

Allow Multiple Inspection Records per Unique Pump Station

This option allows agencies to keep track of multiple inspections for each sewer pump station, which provides a historical look at that asset. If this option is set to No there can only be one inspection record per sewer pump station. In this case to create a new inspection record for a pump station, users must either delete the old inspection, or edit the old one and update it with new inspection details and results.

Allow Multiple Inspection Records per Unique Pump

This option allows agencies to keep track of multiple inspections for each sewer pump, which provides a historical look at that asset. If this option is set to No there can only be one inspection record per sewer pump. In this case to create a new inspection record for a pump, users must either delete the old inspection, or edit the old one and update it with new inspection details and results.



Allow Structure Inspections to Create New Structure Inventory Record

Enabling this option allows users to create an inspection record for a sewer structure that isn't in the sewer structure inventory. When the inspection record is saved the structure will be added to the structure inventory.

Note: This option does not take user permissions into account (i.e. a user may not have permission to add inventory records, but this option will allow them to do so).

Allow Pipe Inspection to Create New Structure Inventory Record

Enabling this option allows users to create an inspection record for a sewer pipe with a sewer structure that isn't in the sewer structure inventory. When the pipe inspection record is saved the structure will be added to the structure inventory.

Note: This option does not take user permissions into account (i.e. a user may not have permission to add inventory records, but this option will allow them to do so).

Allow Pipe Inspection to Create New Pipe Inventory Record

Enabling this option allows users to create an inspection record for a sewer pipe that isn't in the sewer pipe inventory. When the inspection record is saved the pipe will be added to the pipe inventory.

Note: This option does not take user permissions into account (i.e. a user may not have permission to add inventory records, but this option will allow them to do so).



Default Length for Continuous Defect Calculation

Specify a default length for continuous pipe defects in this field. If a continuous defect is added to a pipe inspection but no length is specified, the default length specified here will be used to calculate the pipe condition.

Use Pipe Section Length when Available for Continuous Defect Calculation

Set this option to Yes to use the pipe section length (Found in the Pipe Inventory, or the TV Inspections > Pipes tab) to calculate pipe condition where a continuous defect was noted.

Note: This option supersedes the value in the Default Length... option.

Maximum No. of Segments to Search

This option limits how many line segments are search for when performing a Stretch in Work Orders.  The system default is 30.

Integration with Facility

This enables the integration between the Lucity Facility program, and Lucity Sewer program. This allows agencies to link Sewer Pump Stations to Buildings.

This enables the Alt Building No field in the Sewer Pump station Inventory.

Integration with Equipment

This enables the integration between the Lucity Equipment program and Lucity Sewer program. This allows agencies to link Equipment to Sewer Pump Stations and Sewer Pumps.

This enables the Other Equipment tab in the Pump Station Inventory, and the Equipment tab in the Pump Inventory.

Integration with Work

This enables the integration between the Lucity Work program and Lucity Sewer program. This allows agencies to link certain sewer tests to into the Project Management system.

This enables the Project ID and WO Contractor fields in the Pipe Air Testing, Pipe Mandrel Testing, and Structure Vacuum Testing modules.

Lock Closed Sewer Overflows (Status > 950)

This disables the ability to edit any Sewer Overflow record with a status over 950. Anything over 950 is considered close in the Lucity system.

How To

Change an option

  1. Click to enter Edit Mode.
  2. Right click on an option and select Edit. A popop similar to this will appear:


  3. If there is a drop down list choose from that, or enter a value in the field given.
  4. Click Button OK to complete your selection.
  5. Click to save the record.
  6. Click to close the window.

See Also


Sewer Inventory

Sewer Inspections

Sewer Readings

Sewer Pump Warranty

Sewer Construction Records

Sewer Rehab

Sewer Overflows

Environmental Compliance

Import and Export

System Tools

Sewer Notifications