Quantity Tab

The Quantity tab allows you to enter the estimated percentage of work and units of work that the crews will be able to complete each month. These values can be distributed evenly throughout the year. In addition, this tab contains several fields calculated by the system that track the actual amount of work completed and the comparison of planned work versus actual work. The fields in this tab are described below:

Note: Many of the calculations in this tab are dependant on the items in the Setup and Resources tabs. You must enter Setup information and Resources first in order to obtain accurate results.

Field Name


Est % monthly fields

The Estimate % fields allow you to estimate what percentage of work your crew(s) will complete each month. If these fields are populated, the Estimate Amount fields will automatically be populated based on the total number of task asset units and the estimated percent you entered.

Est Amount monthly fields

The Estimate Amount fields allow you to estimate how many units of work your crew(s) will complete each month. If these fields are populated, the Estimate % fields will automatically be populated based on the total number of task asset units and the estimated amount you entered.

Actual Amount monthly fields

The Actual Amount fields are automatically populated based on the task asset units entered in the actual work orders.

Note: The work orders must have the same department as the task, the start and end dates must fall within the same fiscal year as the task, and the task must be assigned in the Tasks and Resources grid before actual amount data can be populated.

Total fields

The Total fields automatically calculate the total values for each column.

Distribute Total Amount Evenly checkbox

If the Distribute Total Amount Evenly checkbox is marked, your work load will be distributed evenly among all of the months.

Note: In order for the work load to be evenly distributed, you must enter either an estimated percent or an estimated amount in at least one month, or an amount or percentage in one of the Total fields.

% Quantity YTD vs Planned

This field calculates how much of the planned work remains in the fiscal year. The estimated amount is compared with the quantity of task asset units completed in actual work orders each month.

Units/Hour Planned and Actual

The first field represents the Units per Hour of Estimated work. This is calculated using the Total Estimated Quantity per Year on this tab and the available number of labor hours in a day on the Setup tab.

  • Total Est Quantity per Year / (# of Hours in a Labor Day * Total Labor Hours per Day)

The second field represents the Units per Hour of Actual work. This is calculated using the task asset units completed in actual work orders each month.

  • Total Units per Month / # of Employee Hours in that Month
  • This calculation is performed for each month of the year and then summed to provide a final value.

Unit Cost Planned and Actual

The first field represents the Estimated Unit Cost. This is calculated using the Total Estimated Cost divided by the Total Estimated Quantity (entered on the Resources tab).

  • Total Estimated Cost / Total Estimated Quantity

The second field represents the Actual Unit Cost. This is calculated using costs from actual work orders in the system and the total quantity completed.

  • Total Actual Cost / Total Quantity Completed

See Also


Planned Task Header Data

Setup Tab

Resources Tab

Labor Days Tab

Cost Tab

WOs Tab

Specific Guidelines Tab

Custom and Comments
