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The Warehouse Inventory > Parts grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add To Inventory | Selected Record

Attach Material Category | Current Filter

Attach Material Category | Selected Record(s)

Change Cost Method | Current Filter

Change Cost Method | Selected Record(s)

Create Purchase Order | Current Filter

Create Purchase Order | Selected Record(s)

Detach Material Category | Current Filter

Manual Parts OnHand Count Adjustment | Selected Record

Manual Transaction Count Adjustment | Selected Record

Update Average Cost | Selected Record

Add To Inventory | Selected Record

Increases the Quantity of a Part at a particular Warehouse Location. You can specify Warehouse Locations at which a Part does not currently exist.

This toolkit serves as the main way to add a Quantity and Average Cost to the Part's Inventory.

The following are affected by Quantity change:

Parts Form Fields:

Parts > Inventory Grid Fields:

Parts > History Grid:

Parts > Transactions Grid:

How to add to inventory

Attach Material Category | Current Filter

Attaches Work categories to your filterset of Parts records. Categories applied here will be reflected on the linked Work Material as well. Establishing categories for your Parts records will ensure that the Parts will be available to be added to Work Orders of the same category.

How to attach material category | current filter

Attach Material Category | Selected Record(s)

Attaches Work categories to your selected Part record(s). Categories applied here will be reflected on the linked Work Material as well. Establishing categories for your Part records will ensure that the Parts will be available to be added to Work Orders of the same category.

How to attach material category | selected record

Change Cost Method | Current Filter

Changes Cost Method for the Parts records in the current filterset. Provides better tracking and accountability when changing a Part record's Cost Method. The Cost Method field can no longer be changed through the Parts form and must be changed through this toolkit. After this toolkit completes, the Cost Method will be changed for the Part. A new Part Transaction record is also created that tracks the Cost Method Change.

How to change Parts Cost Method | current filter

Change Cost Method | Selected Record(s)

Changes Cost Method for the selected Parts record(s). Provides better tracking and accountability when changing a Part record's Cost Method. The Cost Method field can no longer be changed through the Parts form and must be changed through this toolkit. After this toolkit completes, the cost method will be changed for the Part. A new Part Transaction record is also created that tracks the Cost Method Change.

How to change Parts Cost Method | selected record(s)

Create Purchase Order | Current Filter

Creates a Purchase Order for Parts in the current filterset.

How to create a Purchase Order from Parts record(s) | current filter

Create Purchase Order | Selected Record(s)

Creates a Purchase Order for the selected Parts record(s).

How to create a Purchase Order | selected record(s)

Detach Material Category | Current Filter

Detaches Work Categories from your filtered set of Parts records.

How to detach Material Category for current filter

Manual Parts OnHand Count Adjustment | Selected Record

Manually adjusts the Qty on Hand field for an individual Part. This toolkit would be used to correct an inaccurate OnHand Count, if necessary. This toolkit does not change inventory quantity at a Warehouse Location.

This toolkit is enabled by Admin Portal > System > System Settings > General > Flags to Alter Application Behavior for Rare Cases. Contact Lucity Support for assistance with this process.

For more information about this toolkit's availability and features see Special Function: Correcting Inaccurate Part Counts.

How to manually adjust the Parts OnHand Count

Manual Transaction Count Adjustment | Selected Record

Adds a Transaction record to adjust the Transaction Quantities. This toolkit would be used to correct an inaccurate Transaction Count.

This toolkit is enabled by Admin Portal > System > System Settings > General > Flags to Alter Application Behavior for Rare Cases. Contact Lucity Support for assistance with this process.

For more information about this toolkit's availability and features see Special Function: Correcting Inaccurate Part Counts.

How to manually adjust a transaction count

Update Average Cost | Selected Record

Manually updates the Average Cost field for an individual Part (assuming Average Cost method is used). Updates the Average Cost on all Part History records that have a Current Qty greater than 0.

This toolkit is enabled by Admin Portal > System > System Settings > General > Flags to Alter Application Behavior for Rare Cases. Contact Lucity Support for assistance with this process.

For more information about this toolkit's availability and features see Special Function: Correcting Inaccurate Part Counts.

How to update Average Cost