Parts Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Part ID **

Specifies the user-defined ID for the part.

  • The ID can be manually entered or Lucity can automatically assign a Part ID when the user saves the record for the first time. An agency can establish format preferences in Parts Options > Number Format > Parts Numbering.

More information about automatic numbering


Provides additional details about the part.

Default Location*

Identifies the default location where the part will be stored.

  • The Default Location is used when the Always Use Parts Default Location option in Work Options is turned on, and parts are disbursed to Work Orders.
  • The Default Location is used when receiving parts on a PO at the default location.


Provides the alpha-numeric string barcode that identifies the part.

  • > Populate the code from Part ID - Updates the Barcode field with the value from the Part ID field.
  • The Barcode can be used as an alternate way to identify the part in several places in Lucity and in the Lucity Mobile Warehouse app.


Specifies the system-defined ID for the part.

* Required.
* Must be unique.

Cost and Quantity Fields

Unit of Measure*

Specifies the unit of measure used for the part (feet, miles, tons, etc.).

Cost Method*

Specifies the accounting method used for this part.

Fixed Unit Cost

The cost of an individual part if the Cost Method is 4|Fixed Cost.

  • This field is inactive if the Cost Method is not 4|Fixed Cost.

Reorder Point

Specifies the number of parts remaining in stock when the part must be reordered (i.e. how low should the inventory level get before reordering). Once the total quantity on hand reaches this value, the user should be notified that they need to reorder the parts. Lucity contains a report that can be run on demand that prints out all parts needing to be reordered.

  • If there is more than one Location listed in the Inventory grid and each Location has a Reorder Point, the Reorder Points are totaled and the field is updated.
  • The Lucity Services automatically sends out hard-coded parts reorder messages when the inventory amount falls below the reorder point to alert warehouse managers of parts that need to be reordered or restocked. More about Parts Reorder Email Notifications

Reorder Qty

Identifies the number of parts that should be reordered when the Quantity on Hand falls below the Reorder Point.

Max On-Hand Qty

Indicates the maximum parts you should have in inventory.

Note: This field is for reference only and does not affect any Parts Quantity or Reorder fields or functions.

Qty On Hand

Indicates the total number of parts available in all inventory locations that stock the part. This number is automatically calculated by the system.

Qty On Order

Shows the number of parts currently on order. This is automatically populated by the system based on the number of parts (part units) specified on the purchase order.

Average Cost

Displays the average cost of the parts.

Average Cost equation: = (Sum(PC_CURRQTY*PC_COSTAVG) + (New QTY * New PC_COSTUNT)) / New Current Qty

The average cost value will be displayed/calculated no matter which cost method is selected.

Special Function: Types of Cost Methods

Markup Amount

Stores information about costs associated with using the part. This is not used used in any built-in calculations.

Markup Type

Indicates the type of cost markup (ie, Percent, Flat Rate) that will be applied to the cost of the part.

* Required.

Linking Fields

Material Code *

Links the part to a Work Flow Setup> Material Setup record. Materials are used on Work Orders and if linked to a part, that part is disbursed from the inventory to the Work Order.

  • > Populate the code from Part ID - Updates the Material Code field with the value from the Part ID field
  • If this field is populated with a code that does not exist in the Material Setup module, a new record will be created in the Material Setup module with this Code.
  • If the Material Code is filled out, the Fluid Code becomes read-only (because a part cannot be both a material and a fluid at the same time).

Fluid Code *

Links the Part to a Work Flow Setup > Fluid Setup record. Fluids are used on Work Orders and if linked to a part, that part is disbursed from the inventory to the Work Order.

  • > Populate the code from Part ID - Updates the Fluid Code field with the value from the Part ID field
  • If this field is populated with a code that does not exist in the Fluid Setup module, a new record will be created in the Fluid Setup module with this Code.
  • If the Fluid Code is filled out, the Material Code becomes read-only (because a part cannot be both a material and a fluid at the same time).

* Only one of these fields may be filled out for a individual part.

General Fields

Start Date

End Date

Controls when the part can be used. If a user attempts to disperse a part using a Work Order, and the Work Order's Resource Date falls outside this date range, the part cannot be dispersed. If the user does not set the End Date, the system will only allow parts to be dispersed after the Start Date.

  • The Use Part Open Inventory Date Range option (available in the Parts Integration Work Options) must be enabled for this function to work.


Describes the measurements of the part such as length, depth or height.


Provides the weight of the part.


Indicates that the part is considered to be used up at the point it is issued to an employee; therefore, it cannot be returned to the inventory.

Inventory Controlled

Indicates parts that integrate with a user's work order system. This field can also be used to identify the parts users actively control in their warehouse.

Note: This field is for reference only and has no functionality in the system.


Indicates whether the part is subject to sales tax and possibly other miscellaneous taxes.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.


CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.