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The Work Request grid contains the following Toolkits:

Change Category | Current Filter

Change Category | Selected Record(s)

Change Request Status | Current Filter

Change Request Status | Selected Record(s)

Change Supervisor | Current Filter

Change Supervisor | Selected Record(s)

Close Request | Current Filter

Close Request | Selected Record(s)

Create Permit | Selected Record

Force Spatial Record Processing | Current Filter

Force Spatial Record Processing | Selected Record(s)

Open Associated Asset | Selected Record

Search For Requests By Customer Address | Selected Record

Search For Requests By Location Address | Selected Record

Search For Requests By Parcel | Selected Record

Search For Requests By Phone | Selected Record

Associate Any Work Order | Selected Record

Associate Work Order That Is Not Complete | Selected Record

Associate Work Order With Same Infrastructure | Selected Record

Associate Work Order With Same Street Block | Selected Record

Associate Work Order with Same Problem and Infrastructure

Associate Work Order With Same Problem | Selected Record

Change Category | Current Filter

Changes the Category field on all Requests in the current filterset.


How to change the Category for a filterset of Requests

Change Category | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Category field on selected Requests.

How to change the Category for selected Requests

Change Request Status | Current Filter

Changes the Status field on all Request records in the current filterset to a Status less than 950. Records with a Status between 1-949 are considered "open."

How to change the Status for a Filterset of Requests

Change Request Status | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Status field on selected Request records to a Status less than 950. Records with a Status between 1-949 are considered "open."

How to change the Status for selected Requests

Change Supervisor | Current Filter

Changes the Supervisor on all Requests in the current filterset to the same person.

How to change the Supervisor for a Filterset of Requests

Change Supervisor | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Supervisor on selected Requests to the same person.

How to change the Supervisor for selected Requests

Close Request | Current Filter

Changes the Status field on all Request records in the current filterset to a Status greater than 950. Records with a Status between 950-999 are considered "closed."

How to close a filterset of Requests

Close Request | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Status field on selected Request records to a Status greater than 950. Records with a Status between 950-999 are considered "closed."


How to close selected records

Create Permit | Selected Record

Creates a Work Permit record linked to the Request.


How to create a Work Permit record

More information about Work Permits

Force Spatial Record Processing | Current Filter

Directs the Lucity Spatial Indexer to process or reprocess the location data for the Requests in the filterset. This can be done to fix problems if there were errors.

The Lucity Spatial Indexer collects information about the location of the Request using the Loc Address, Loc Street Name, and Affected Asset fields and stores the geographic coordinates in the Lucity database. This information can be used later to display the location of Work Requests in a map.


How to force spatial data processing for a filterset of Requests

More information about the Lucity Spatial Indexer

Force Spatial Record Processing | Selected Record(s)

Directs the Lucity Spatial Indexer to process or reprocess the location data for the selected Requests.

The Lucity Spatial Indexer collects information about the location of the Request using the Loc Address, Loc Street Name, and Affected Asset fields and stores the geographic coordinates in the Lucity database. This information can be used later to display the location of Work Requests in a map.


How to force spatial data processing for selected Requests

More information about the Lucity Spatial Indexer

Open Associated Asset | Selected Record

Opens the inventory module for the Affected Asset associated with the Request.

How to open the Request's associated asset

Search For Requests By Customer Address | Selected Record

Searches for Requests with the exact same values in the Req Address and Req Street Name fields as the selected record.


How to search for Requests with a matching Customer Address

Search For Requests By Location Address | Selected Record

Searches for Requests that have the exact same values in the Loc Address and Loc Street Name fields as the selected Request.


How to search for Requests with a matching Location Address

Search For Requests By Parcel | Selected Record

Searches for Requests with the exact same value in the Req Parcel Number field as the selected Request.


How to search for Requests with matching Parcel Numbers

Search For Requests By Phone | Selected Record

Searches for Requests that have matching values in at least one of the following fields:


How to Search for Requests with matching phone numbers

Associate Any Work Order | Selected Record

Links the current Work Request to any existing Work Order.

How to link a Request to any Work Order


Associate Work Order That Is Not Complete | Selected Record

Links the current Work Request to any open Work Order. Open work orders have a Status less than 950.

How to link a Request to an open Work Order

Associate Work Order With Same Infrastructure | Selected Record

Links the selected Request to an open Work Order that has a Work Order > Asset record that matches the Request's Affected Asset.

How to link a Request to an open Work Order with the same Asset

Associate Work Order With Same Street Block | Selected Record

Links the selected Request to an open Work Order with a similar address. Open work orders have a Status greater than 950.

How to link a Request to a Work Order with the same Street Block


Associate Work Order with Same Problem and Infrastructure

Links the the selected Request to a Work Order that has

How to link a Request to a Work Order with the same Problem and Asset

Associate Work Order With Same Problem | Selected Record

Links the selected Request to a Work Order that has the same Problem.

How to link a Request to a Work Order with the same Problem