Parts Inventory

The Warehouse Parts Inventory module houses order information, transaction history, and the current status of each Part listed. Parts can be linked to Work Flow Setup Materials and Fluids. Then, when Materials/Fluids are used on Work Orders, these items are are automatically deducted from the Parts Inventory, thereby keeping the Inventory up-to-date.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


Tutorial Movie Watch the Parts Inventory Tutorial Movies.

To access the Parts Inventory module, select Inventory > Parts. The following window appears:


In This Section

Parts Inventory Header Data

Order Info Tab

Inventory Tab

Vendors Tab

Part History Tab

Transactions Tab

On Order Tab

Hazard Codes Tab

WO tab

Material Cat Tab

Fluid Cat Tab

Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab
