Setup Lucity GIS Viewer

The Lucity GIS Viewer enables agencies to give their employees a desktop GIS viewer that works with Lucity, without giving them access to ArcMap. The viewer can use both map services published over the web and map packages created through ArcMap.

Setup Steps

  1. Security Setup
  2. Creating Map Services or Packages
  3. Map Service/Package Configuration
  4. Map Setup
  5. Install the Viewer
  6. Activating the Viewer and Managing Activations
  7. Using the Lucity GIS Viewer


* ArcMap is only required for the single machine used to create map packages for setup. If map packages are created by an outside source, ArcMap is not required.

In This Section


Creating Map Packages

Map Service Configuration

Map Setup for a Viewer Map

Installing the Viewer

Activation and Activation Management

See Also

Map Setup

Lucity Web Map Setup