View/Form Manager

The Form Manager allows administrators to create, edit, delete, etc.. views and forms.

Form Mgr

Display Controls

Module Selection Drop-downs

Selects a program, a module, and one of its components. This controls which views/forms are displayed in the grid. List of Available Modules

Show forms in preview mode checkbox

Used for system maintenance. While a form is being edited, the system saves it in Preview Mode. Occasionally, duplicate forms may be created if the program closes unexpectedly while a user is editing. In these instances, administrators can clear the duplicate forms by completing the following steps:

  • Checking the Show forms in preview mode box.
  • If no other user is working on the duplicate form, select it and click Delete.

Forms checkbox

Mark this to display Forms in the grid.

Views checkbox

Mark this to display Views in the gird.



The name of the View or Form.


Indicates whether the item is a View or Form.


An indication that the form has been enabled. Only forms that have been enabled can be assigned to menus.

Is Default View

Indicates which view is marked as a default. There will only be one per module.

Assigned to Group

Indicates that the view or form has been assigned to a group.

Assigned to Menu

Indicates that the view or form has been assigned to a Menu.

Public Form ID

The ID assigned when a form is used as a Web Citizen form.

Alt. Menu Name

An alternate name that is displayed when the view or form is used on a Menu.

Modified By, Last Modified Date

That last user to modify a view/form and the date that it was modified on.

Is Preview

Marks whether the forms is currently saved in Preview Mode.

Lucity Version

The version of Lucity that the view/form was created for.



Creates a new view or form record.


Opens the currently selected record in Edit Mode.


Copies the currently selected record.


Deletes the currently selected record.


Renames the currently selected record

Assign Group

Opens up the Assigns Groups to Forms window.

Enable Exporting

Marking this disables all of the previous tools (except for Assign Group) and enables the Export button.


Exports the currently selected record as an xml file. This can then be imported.

Note: Lucity provides pre-built forms that can be imported.

How To Add a View

How To Add a Form

How To Edit a View

How To Edit a Form

How To Copy a Form

How To Rename a View or Form

How To Assign a Group

In This Section

Available Modules

Exporting Views/Forms

View Builder

Form Editor

See Also


Grid Manager

Import From XML