View Builder

Views are used to create the structure for modules with Lucity Web. A view controls which records are displayed out of a module and then displays it in its related grid. Records that are displayed in a grid might have children records. These records are displayed in child grids. Because a view controls what data is displayed, it controls which child grids are displayed.

The View Builder is used to setup a view, assign which levels of data are displayed, and which grid or form is displayed for each level of data.

general builder

View name

A descriptive name of what the view displays or is used for. This name will be displayed in Lucity Web unless the Alternate View Name is filled out.

Alternate View Name

This is an alias name for the view and is displayed in Lucity Web.

Step 1: Select a Grid Type

This tree allows administrators to select which child grid types will be displayed in the view, and what order they will appear in. Check a box to make that grid appear in the view. Select a grid type to change the related grid and form.

Step 2: Select a Grid

Use this dropdown list to select a grid from the Grid Manager to use for the Grid Type selected on the left.


New Grid

Creates a grid in the Grid Builder.


Edit Grid

Opens already related grid in the Grid Builder for editing.

Step 3: Select a Form to Grid (optional)

Use this dropdown list to select a form from the View/Form Manager to use for the Grid Type selected on the left.


New Form

Opens up the New Form dialog.


Edit Form

Opens the form in the Form Editor.



Displays the currently selected form as it will appear online.

This is the default view for ....

This marks the current view as the default view for the module. Anytime a tool within Lucity Web accesses a module it will open that module using the default view (unless otherwise specified).

Note: There can only be one Default View for a module.

Note: Every module must have a Default View.


Saves all changes made to the view.


Cancels editing the view.

In This Section

Selecting Grid Types to Display

Selecting Grids

Adding Forms to Grids

See Also

View/Form Manager

Available Modules

Exporting Views/Forms

Form Editor