Tests Tab

The Tests tab contains information about tests performed on the asset. It contains fields to help schedule regular tests and a grid that lists all tests run in the past.

Cleaning Fields

Last Test Date

Fill in the last date tested.

Next Test Date

This can be manually added, or auto-calculated based on the Last Test Date, Test Freq and Test Freq Units fields. This field can then be used to filter for assets that need to be inspected.

Test Freq

How often the asset should be test. The type of units this number identifies is stored in the Test Freq Units field.

Test Freq Units

They type of units the Test Freq field is referring to. (ie: Weeks, Months, etc...)

Testing grid

This grid contains a list of all the tests for the asset

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.


How To Add an Test record

See Also

Asset Inventory

Asset Inventory Header Data

Attributes Tab

GI Tab

Milestones Tab

Items Tab

Stormwater Links Tab

Inspections Tab

Violations/Enforcements Tab

Geo Survey Tab

Status Tracking Tab


Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab