Installing the Viewer

The Lucity GIS Viewer must be installed on the machine that it will be used on before the user will be able to access it. It is part of the Lucity Desktop install, but is not installed automatically. It can either be installed during desktop installation or by modifying the desktop installation.

Note: If installed during the normal desktop installation choose the Custom install option. Then follow from step 6 below.

How To Modify the Desktop

  1. On the machine go to the control panel.
  2. Run Add or Remove Programs, or Programs and Features.
  3. Find and select Lucity Desktop.
  4. Click Change. A screen similar to the following will appear.


  5. Select Modify, and click Next >.
  6. The next screen will provide options of which components of the program to install.


  7. Click the Lucity GIS Viewer dropdown and select Will be installed on local hard drive.
  8. Click Next >. Once the program is done installing click Finish.

See Also

Setup Lucity GIS Viewer


Creating Map Packages

Map Service Configuration

Map Setup

Activation and Activation Management