Customizing the Lucity Web Citizen Page

This page explains some basics to customizing the look of the Web Citizen page. This is an advanced configuration section.

How To Customize the Web Citizen Page

  1. Create your own master file using Notepad or other editing programs. This will allow you to customize the fonts and colors of the citizen app.

    <link href="..\StateOfNE.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

  2. Update the appsettings.config to use the master file:


    <add key="MasterPage" value="SampleMasters/StateofNE.master"/>


Sample Master File

Sample CS File

See Also

How To: Setup Web Citizen


Create Request Forms

Making the Forms Accessible

Updating Customer Database from Requests

Document Upload Setup

Customizing the Citizen Thank You page

Customizing the Citizen Request Email