Fleet Reservation Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Vehicle Class *

Identifies the type of vehicle being reserved.

Reservation Rec # **

Indicates the system-generated, unique identifier for this Reservation record.

Fleet Rec #

Indicates the system-generated, unique ID for the Fleet vehicle.

  • Options in the list are limited to Fleet Inventory vehicles of the selected Vehicle Class that are marked Reservable.
  • The system prevents you from creating or saving reservations that use overlapping Est Departure and Return Dates/Times for the same Fleet vehicle.

Fleet ID

Displays the user-defined identifier for this Fleet vehicle.

  • Lucity automatically displays the Fleet ID when the user selects a Fleet Rec #; therefore, this field is read-only.

Fleet ID Text

Provides an extended description of the Fleet vehicle.

  • Lucity automatically displays the Fleet ID Text when the user selects a
    Fleet Rec #; therefore, this field is read-only.

*Required field.
*Must be unique.

Time/Date Fields

Est. Departure Date *

Est. Departure Time *

Est. Return Date *

Est. Return Time *

Specify the estimated dates and times of departure and return for the reserved Fleet vehicle.

  • Note: The system prevents you from creating or saving a reservation with Est Departure or Est Return Dates/Times that overlap with another reservation for the same Fleet vehicle.

Actual Departure Date

Actual Departure Time

Actual Return Date

Actual Return Time

Specify the actual dates and times of departure and return for the reserved Fleet vehicle.

  • If the Actual Return Date/Time is greater than the Fleet Inventory Eval Current Date/Time, Lucity updates Fleet Inventory's Eval Current Date/Time and Current Odometer fields with Fleet Reservation's Actual Return Date/Time and the Return Mileage.

    More information on Fleet Inventory Eval Fields

Total Rental Time (Hrs)

Identifies the total actual rental time in hours. This field is read-only and calculated as: Actual Return Date & Time - Actual Departure Date & Time

Total Full Rental Days

Identifies the total actual rental time in days. This field is read-only and calculated as: Total Rental Time (Hrs) / 24

  • Example: 52 Total Rental Time (hrs) / 24 = 2 Total Full Rental Days
  • This field rounds down to the nearest whole number.

Rental Additional Hours

Indicates additional rental hours over Total Full Rental Days. This field is read-only and calculated as: Total Rental Time (Hrs) - (Total Full Rental Days x 24)

  • Example:: 52 - (2 Total Full Rental Days x 24 = 48) = 4 Rental Additional Hours
  • This field will display up to 2 decimal points to indicate partial hours.
  • Note: The Total Rental Cost will be automatically adjusted to include a Daily Rate when the Daily Rate < Hourly Rate x Rental Additional Hours. However, this Rental Additional Hours field will still report actual hours.

*Required field.

Renter Fields


Identifies the employee for whom this reservation is made.

Driver's License Number

Identifies the driver's license number for the employee on this reservation.

Cost Fields

Hourly Rental Rate

Indicates the cost per hour to rent the selected fleet vehicle.

  • This rate is set on the Fleet Inventory record and carried over to a reservation; however, you can change this value on a reservation, if desired.
  • IMPORTANT: This field is not required but must be completed in order for your Total Rental Cost to include costs for any Rental Additional Hours.

Daily Rental Rate

Indicates the cost per day to rent the selected fleet vehicle.

  • This rate is set on the Fleet Inventory record and carried over to a reservation; however, you can change this value on a reservation, if desired.
  • IMPORTANT: This field is not required but must be completed in order for your Total Rental Cost to include costs for any Total Full Rental Days.

Reservation Charge

Specifies a fee other than the hourly or daily rental rates charged to rent the selected fleet vehicle.

  • Users can set this value for each Fleet Reservation record or an agency can set a default Reservation Charge by modifying the form's field properties.

Total Rental Cost

Identifies the total cost to rent the selected fleet vehicle.

  • Calculated as:

    (Total Full Rental Days x Daily Rental Rate) +

    (Rental Add Hours x Hourly Rental Rate) +

    Reservation Charge = Total Rental Cost

  • Note: Total Rental Cost is automatically adjusted to include a Daily Rate when the Daily Rate < Hourly Rate x Rental Additional Hours.

Status Fields

Reservation Status

Indicates the status of the fleet vehicle in relation to this reservation.

  • This field auto-populates to Requested upon record creation.
  • Note: Administrators can set this picklist as restricted to prevent employees without the Assigner status from changing the Status value.

Approved By

Identifies the employee approving this reservation.

  • Options in this field come from active records in the Work Employee Setup module that are marked as Assigner.
  • This field is read-only for users whose Employee Setup record does not designate them as an Assigner.

Location Fields

Departure Location

Indicates the location from which the reserved fleet vehicle should be picked up.

  • Picklist options include locations from Facility Building records.

Return Location

Indicates the location to which the reserved fleet vehicle should be returned.

  • Picklist options include locations from Facility Building records.

Mileage Fields

Departure Mileage

Identifies the odometer reading for the reserved fleet vehicle at the time of departure.

Return Mileage

Identifies the odometer reading on the reserved fleet vehicle at the time of return.

  • If the Return Mileage field is not empty and the Actual Return Date/Time is more recent than the Fleet Inventory Eval Current Date/Time, the system updates the related Fleet Inventory record's Eval Current Date/Time and Current Odometer fields with the Fleet Reservation's Actual Return Date/Time and Return Mileage values.

More information on Fleet Inventory Eval Fields

Distance Traveled

Specifies the total distance traveled for this rental period.

  • This field is read-only and calculated as: Return Mileage - Departure Mileage

Department Fields


Identifies the organizational unit(s) related to the Employee making this reservation.





Work-Related Fields

The following asset fields are related to Work Orders, PMs and/or Requests:

Default WO Cat ***

Lets users establish a default Category for the Asset. When a Work Order is created for the Asset, the default Category and related asset information are imported into the new Work Order record. Multiple Categories are available in the pick-list.

More Information about Default Work Category

No WO/PM/REQ ***

When enabled, users cannot create Work Orders, PMs, or Requests for that Asset. The Asset also no longer appears in the selection dialog boxes for WO/PM/Request modules. This function is useful for assets that are logged in Lucity, but have been retired.

Asset Account #

Indicates the reference number of the general account to be billed for any work done on the asset. The system can be configured to handle account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field. More information about Account Number formats

  • Automatically populates the Account # on work orders to which the asset is added, if the work order's Account # field is empty.

Asset Proj No - Acct

Indicates the reference number for a specific project account to be billed for any work done on the asset. The system can be configured to handle project account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field. More information about Project Account Number formats

  • Automatically populates the Proj No -Account # on work orders to which the asset is added, if the work order's Proj No -Account # field is empty.

Maintenance Zone *

Enables agencies to group Assets based on a location. The Maintenance Zone value is then carried over to the Work Order, where it can be used to automatically assign a Supervisor.

This field is most easily populated through GIS.

More information about Maintenance Zones

Alternate Zone *

Enables users to group Assets based on a secondary location parameter of an agency's choosing. The Alternate Zone is then carried over to the Work Order.

This field is most easily populated through GIS.

More information about Maintenance Zones

WO Comment *

Enables user to include information relevant to working on the asset. Information that a user enters here is copied to the Work Order > Asset > Asset Comment field.

Last WO Task

Displays the last date that asset was included on a work order.

More information about how this is automatically updated

* Applies to PMs.
* Applies to Requests.
* Applies to Work Orders.

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.