Warehouse Overview

Lucity's Parts Inventory offering enables you to keep a detailed accounting of all Parts in your Inventory, and lets you use these Parts seamlessly within Lucity's Work Order system. You can establish Part records and Warehouses, disburse Parts to Work Orders, assign Part Vendors, create Requisitions and receive Part Purchase Orders.

Warehouse Inventory Setup

Before an agency introduces Lucity's Warehouse system, administrators should complete the suggested work flow setup. This requires them to establish the following record groups for the organization:

Required Setup

  1. Warehouse - Add any Buildings or Vehicles that store Parts.
  2. Locations - Add any Location within each Warehouse that holds Parts.
  3. Parts - Add any Parts that you want to account for in your Inventory.

    Important: These records must be added in this order.

Optional Setup

In This Section

Special Function: Types of Cost Methods

Special Function: Issuing Parts

Special Function: Updating Part Unit Cost

Special Function: Correcting Inaccurate Part Counts

Special Function: Types of Transactions

Special Function: Warehouse Security

Special Function: Importing Parts

Special Function: Work Parts Integration

Special Function: Parts Email Notifications

Special Function: Lucity Mobile Warehouse