Work Clock Setup

work clock

For the Work Clock to function there are several things that must be configured.

System Configuration

The first step to configuring the work clock is to set the Enable Work Clock system setting to TRUE. This is required.

Employee Configuration

The next step to configuring the work clock is setting up employees that can use it. Open the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module and find the employee record and make sure the following data is filled out. This is required for all users that need to use the work clock.


Supervisor/Administrator Configuration

Sometimes the Res Start Date/Time and Res End Date/Time fields need to be adjusted. This will most often occur when an employee forgets to stop the work clock, or when an employee gets pull off of a task mid work and the rest of the employees are still working. Normally, these fields are not editable, however, an user that has the Work Order > Override Work Clock permission will be able to edit these fields.


Supervisor/Administrator Dashboard

It is recommended that supervisor/administrator dashboards have data drills that look for work clocks that are running, or that were stopped automatically. This will enable them to catch potential data problems early on. The following data drill filters can help.


Automatic Work Clock Stopping

Once a work clock is started it will continue to run until it is stopped. In case a user forgets to stop their work clock there is a Nightly Process in place to automatically stop all running work clocks. This ensures that no single work clock session goes on forever by accident. However, this process can cause problems for users who are working an overnightshift. Therefore the nightly process also takes into account the Enforce Resource End Date = Start Date Work Option.


Unit Rounding

The Work Clock automatically populates the Units field based on the Res Start Date/Time and Res End Date/Time fields. Some agencies may prefer the value in the Units field to be a round number. This can be done with Units Rounding.

The strategy used to round the Units value is determined by the option an agency selects under Settings > Work Options > Work tab > Work Orders section:

More information about automatically calculating Units