
The Work settings control the functionality of Lucity Web's Work module.



security Permissions

Do Work Flow Popup Lists Filter using StartsWith or Contains

Controls how the filters function in fields used to select Work Flow Setup items. The filters match what the user types in the field to records in the list, based on whether the records' IDs start with OR contain what the user typed.

Enter StartsWith or Contains in this field to dictate how the system filters.

App Admin

Enable Work Clock

Controls whether the Work Clock tools are activated and available to properly configured users.

More information about Work Clock

IT Admin

Name of the RPT file to use as the default timesheet report

Specifies the last part of the path to and name of the RPT file used as the default timesheet report for all users.

  • Note: The System Settings dialog does not provide a way to upload reports. Reports must be posted to the web server in order to be available online.

More information about Timesheet Report Setup

App Admin

Send a nightly alert if parts counts are inaccurate

Sends an email message to specified users whenever the nightly processes identify a mismatch between Part counts. The message is sent to users named in the List of email addresses for system health notifications on the Email tab.

App Admin

Show user a popup of choices to open Work Orders with

Lets users choose which Work Order view they would like to open in Lucity Web. The pop-up prompt appears when a user performs an action that opens a Work Order view and:

  • This option is enabled.
  • The user has permission to open more than one Work Order view.

If this option is disabled, Lucity Web opens with the user's default view.

App Admin