Review Tab

The Review tab is commonly used after the SSO cleanup.  This tab allows you to document the maintenance dates, condition, rainfall amounts, preventative measures, and the reason for the overflow.

Additionally, two text fields are provided allowing you to document the causes of the overflow as well as additional review comments.  While in Add or Edit mode, place your cursor in the grids and begin typing.  These fields have copy/paste abilities, carriage returns <Ctrl + Enter>, and a spell checker that when turned on will underline misspelled words as you type.

Two fields in this tab have special functions. These are described in the table below:

Field Name

Special Function

Last TV Date

The Last TV Inspection Date field is automatically populated with the associated pipe's most recent television inspection date (prior to the overflow).

Note: The Problem Pipe field in the Investigation tab must be populated before this field can be populated.

Est Cost Incurred

The Estimated Cost Incurred field is a calculated field. By pressing the F5 key with your cursor in this field, the system calculates the total costs for all work orders linked to the SSO.

Note: This field does not automatically update when the work order costs are changed; therefore, it is best to do the calculations or do a recalc after the work orders are completed.

See Also


Overflow Header Data

Info Receipt Tab

Investigation Tab

Cleanup Tab

Affected Assets 1 Tab

Affected Assets 2 Tab

Notification Tab

Req/WO Tab

Custom and Comments