Affected Assets 2 Tab

The Affected Assets 2 tab allows you document the owner of the property that was affected by the SSO, the area affected, who is responsible for the SSO, whether a damage report was filed, and whether the affected owner is satisfied. You can also record the exact coordinates of the SSO.

Note: If you linked a sewer service lateral to the SSO in the Investigation tab, and that service lateral record had X/Y coordinates, those coordinates will appear in this tab.

This tab also allows you to document the property damage that may have occurred due to the SSO in a large text field.  While in Add or Edit mode, place your cursor in the grid and begin typing.  This field has copy/paste abilities, carriage returns <Ctrl + Enter>, and a spell checker that when turned on will underline misspelled words as you type.  You can also include owner information, responsible parties, and exact coordinates for the SSO in this tab.

See Also


Overflow Header Data

Info Receipt Tab

Investigation Tab

Cleanup Tab

Affected Assets 1 Tab

Review Tab

Notification Tab

Req/WO Tab

Custom and Comments