Assigning Resources

Once you have added categories to the tree on the left. You can begin assigning resources from other setup modules to your categories. For instance, you may want to associate employees, equipment, or tasks with a certain category. By associating resources with a category you enable the Work program to automatically populate that data in the appropriate fields when a category is selected in a work order or request.

To associate a resource with a category, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the appropriate resource tab. For example, if you want to associate an employee with a category, you would select the Employees tab.

    Category Resources

  2. Click on the 'Show All' button to reveal a list of all the employees you entered in the Employee setup module.

    Show All

  3. Highlight an employee and using your cursor 'drag' that employee over to the left window and 'drop' them into the category.

You can continue associating resources with a category by repeating these steps using the Materials, Fluids, Contractors, Equipment, Problems, Causes, Tasks,  and Crews tabs.

Note: You can associate resources with a category and it's sub-categories at the same time by enabling the 'Automatically Associate to Sub-Category' option in Work Options.

Tutorial MovieView 'Automatically Assoc. to Sub-Category' tutorial movie

See Also


Category Setup

Adding a Category

Show All/Show Valid

Disassociate Resources