Category Setup

To get started you need to define the main categories of your infrastructure. We recommend making each department a category. You may want to define more specific categories within your main categories. For example, Street Department is a main category while Engineering, Street Maintenance, and Traffic Services are all subcategories of that main category. You may wish to get into even more detail by defining the divisions within a sub-category. For example, Curbs, Sidewalks, and Pavements are divisions within the sub-category Street Maintenance.

Main Category


Next, you can group your assets (employees, equipment, materials, etc.) under the appropriate category or subcategory. For example, you may group street maintenance equipment, materials, tasks, problems, possible causes, and Street Department employees under the Street Maintenance sub-category.

Note: You can group assets under more than one category. For instance, you may have employees who work for more than one department, or equipment that is used by every department.

See Also


Adding a Category

Assigning Resources

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Disassociate Resources