Show in Map Configuration

The Show in Map Configuration tool allows system admin to set show in map settings for specific users, or for groups of users. This can save alot of time, especially if they manage which maps the users access, and if a generally used map changes. To access the Show in Map Configuration tool, go into ArcCatalog, click on the Lucity GIS Tools button and select Show in Map Configuration.

Click to view image.

Select Method

Mark whether to configure the show in map for groups or users.

Select Group(s)

Selects groups and marks the group users in the Select User(s) grid.

Select User(s)

Select one or more users to configure.

Default MXD

The Default MXD for all the selected users.

Module Specific MXD

Displays the configuration for each module.

  • Right click in the grid to Add a record or right click on a record to Edit or Delete it.


How To

Select a Group(s) to configure

  1. Choose the Group Select Method.
  2. Select one of more groups in the grid.

Select a User(s) to configure

  1. Choose the Users select method.
  2. Select the user(s) to configure.

Configure the show in map for selected users

  1. Set the Default MXD for the program. Either enter the path, or click the ... button and navigate to the desire MXD
  2. In the Module Specific MXD grid right-click and select Add. The following screen will popup. Click to view image.
  3. Select the modules to set a map for. Selecting a program will select all the modules under that (ie. Selecting Park will select every park module.)
  4. Near the bottom of the popup click the ... button to select the .mxd to be used for the show in map.
  5. After selecting the .mxd click Apply.
  6. A record will appear in the right hand grid for each module, with the path to the .mxd.

See Also

ArcCatalog Tools

Geodatabase Configuration tool

Update Geodatabase Value

Default Fields Setup

Update Show In Map Flag