Update Show In Map Flag

In every Lucity there is a Show In Map Flag field that records whether or not an inventory asset is stored in the map too. This field controls whether the show in map button is enabled for a specific feature or not. While it isn't common, in some circumstances this field won't get updated when a feature is added to the GIS and synced to Lucity. To make sure this field is correct there is the "Update Show In Map Flag" tool. This tool will go through a set of selected modules and look for matching features in the linked feature classes. It then updates the Show In Map field.

Click to view image.

How To

Update the Show In Map Flag

  1. Open ArcCatalog and select gbaMS GIS Tools and select Update Show in Map Flag.
  2. Select the type of map data that is linked to Lucity (Geodatabase or Shapefiles).

    Map Data Selection

  3. After selecting the appropriate map data, the following dialog will appear:

    module select

  4. Select the module(s) to update. Then click OK.
  5. The following message will appear warning that this tool will overwrite the values for the selected field with new values. Click OK to continue.

    update message

  6. A message similar to this will appear when the process is complete.


See Also

ArcCatalog Tools

Geodatabase Configuration tool

Show in Map Configuration

Update Geodatabase Value

Default Fields Setup